Chapter 1796 Are skills inferior to others?

The movements of Baili Qinxue's subordinates paused, and Shu Er raised her eyes.

"Who said I couldn't pick it out?"

Her eyes under the bamboo hat were as sharp as ice, even through a layer of black veil, Liu Cheng seemed to be able to feel the sharpness of her gaze, that gaze seemed to eat people, and she couldn't help trembling.

Liu Cheng bit her lip, and was so frightened that she stood there without saying a word.

Baili Qinxue caressed her hands with a half-smile.

Seeing that no one was helping him to speak, Ding Liufeng's face turned blue, so he could only speak by himself: "You are empty-handed right now, you haven't picked out anything at all, and you still want to quibble?"

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, and asked back: "Who said I have empty hands?"

"You don't have anything in your hand..." Ding Liufeng glanced sideways as he spoke, who knew that when she stood up, she still held a raw stone in her hand.

The raw material of the stone had a familiar taste.

Ding Liufeng paused, then immediately changed his tune and said with a sneer: "Do you think you can fool around by just finding a stone nearby?"

Baili Qinxue raised her head and rolled her eyes, and said speechlessly: "Whoever said that this piece was picked randomly, Mr. Ding doesn't trust me too much..."

Ding Liufeng lingered on her body, then sneered, "Then how do you prove that this stone is the one just now?"

"It's not easy." Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, and said in a low voice: "Just now, Mr. Ding took a fancy to that stone, and he must have passed a strict inspection. Baby, at this moment, I will show Mr. Ding the material covering it, if Mr. Ding looked carefully just now, he must have known him before."

Ding Liufeng paused, and suddenly froze in place.

Just now, he did have a sense of deja vu.

Did this woman really pick it out?

There are so many stone raw materials, and he couldn't pick them out for a while, but she was able to pick them out in a short period of time?
No, that's definitely not true.

Baili Qinxue seemed to understand his thoughts, and sneered.

"Mr. Ding, please take a look." Baili Qinxue lifted the stone material in his hand in front of Ding Liufeng, and said, "This stone material is evenly covered with materials, and the surface texture is also very special. If Mr. Ding just now If you look carefully, you will definitely be touched, Mr. Ding, put your hand on it and feel it."

Her voice is clear and light, like a pool of clear spring.

Ding Liufeng was startled, as if he was being bewitched, he put his hand on it in a daze.

When he put his hand on it, Ding Liufeng trembled slightly, this feeling was the same as before...

As a person who picks stones all the year round, I am naturally very sensitive to the raw materials of stones, especially those with good things in them. Sometimes as long as I put my hand on them, I will be touched, just like now.

And this kind of touch is somewhat familiar...

"Mr. Ding, how do you feel now?" Baili Qinxue pursed her lips and asked softly, "Do you feel familiar? Should you believe it now? It was not found."

Ding Liufeng's eyes flickered, he clenched his lips tightly and couldn't say a word.

Baili Qinxue stood where she was, with a calm expression on her face, but she didn't press her every step of the way.

But Liu Cheng couldn't bear it anymore, she snorted coldly: "Miss A Xue, can you explain anything just by your rhetoric? Mr. Ding, tell her quickly, but don't let her So arrogant..."


(End of this chapter)

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