Chapter 1800 Non-toxic and not a husband! !

Liu Cheng squinted her eyes, and said in a cold voice, "Daddy, it's non-toxic and not a husband. It doesn't matter if this secret is known to others. Who dares to offend our black market?"

Second Master Liu lowered his eyes and pondered, and when he regained his composure, he actually felt that her words made some sense.

"Xiao Cheng is right..." Second Master Liu pursed his lips, and said again: "Xiao Cheng, are you really sure that that woman will fall for you?"

Liu Cheng hooked her lips, confident, "Of course there are..."

Second Master Liu narrowed his eyes, and a smile flickered in his eyes, "If Xiaocheng said that, then I can rest assured. If I can really teach that woman a lesson, it would be really good."

Liu Cheng pursed her lips and said confidently: "My daughter will naturally teach that woman a lesson by taking action."

Seeing her full of confidence, Second Master Liu felt even more joy in his heart. He said: "Then this matter is up to Xiaocheng, Xiaocheng must do well."

Liu Cheng nodded abruptly, and a gleam of light flashed in her eyes, "Of course I will do well..."

She smiled, turned her head to look at Ding Liufeng again, and said, "Master Ding, can I trouble you with something?"

Ding Liufeng looked at Liu Cheng, pursed his lips and said, "What does Miss Liu want me to do?"

Liu Cheng smiled and said: "It's actually very simple, I just want Mr. Ding to pick out all the stone materials that are hidden on the table, so that we can carry out the matter according to the plan."

Ding Liufeng bent his lips, suddenly understood a little bit, he said: "I roughly understand Miss Liu's meaning, I will definitely pick out all the stone materials that have something."

Hearing what he said, Liu Cheng's eyes flickered again.

At that time, that woman named A Xue will be finished, haha...

Ding Liufeng had sharp eyes and quick hands, and threw all the stone materials that he thought contained something into the sack, and after throwing them away, he said with a smile: "I have already thrown all the stone materials that had something on the table into the sack, Miss Liu Can we put those imitation stone materials on the table now?"

After hearing this, Liu Cheng hurriedly took out all the stone materials in the ring space. She looked around, then called out to Ye Huansha, and said, "Miss Ye, hurry up and help me cover it up."

Ye Huansha originally didn't want to be in trouble with her, but when she thought that the next thing would be interesting, she moved her footsteps and hurriedly stood in front of Liu Cheng.

Seeing this, Liu Cheng immediately burst into a smile.

She carefully arranged the imitation stone raw materials, trying not to make any movement.

After setting it up, Ding Liufeng asked suspiciously: "It's all set up, what should we do next, what should we do if someone picks up these raw stone materials?"

Hearing this, Liu Cheng frowned and thought about it, and after a while she smiled and said: "As long as Mr. Ding stands here, these people won't come over. When the time comes, Mr. Ding will back away a few more times when he sees that woman coming over." Just one step."

Hearing this, Ding Liufeng narrowed his eyes and looked around.

Indeed, those people did not dare to approach him rashly because of his reputation.

If he had been standing all the time, he wouldn't be afraid that those people would come up to pick stones, haha.

After Baili Qinxue finished picking the raw stones in front of her, she wanted to go elsewhere.

When she stepped forward, she saw Ding Liufeng looking at her earnestly, his appearance was a bit strange.

Baili Qinxue stroked the bamboo hat covering her head, and casually glanced at Ding Liufeng, her eyes filled with anxiety and coldness.

She was wearing a bamboo hat, Ding Liufeng didn't notice her eyes at all.


(End of this chapter)

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