Chapter 1806 It's just a blow to them!

Hearing this, Mu Liu frowned, her face was a little ugly, "Just because of these trivial things, I want to punish you, isn't it too narrow-minded?"

This orange is really hopeless, damn it.

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips and said nothing.

Mu Liu thought for a while, and felt something was wrong, so she quickly asked, "But, they put the imitation stone material on the table, so they are not afraid that others will take it away, so they must think that we will take it?"

If this is the case, then Liu Cheng is too ingenious.

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyebrows, and there was a hint of sneer in her eyes: "Liu Cheng is not a magician, she has her own little idea, a little abacus, as long as she aims a little, this plan can be completed."

"Which point to aim at?" Mu Liu raised her eyebrows, and a doubt flashed in her eyes.

Baili Qinxue rubbed her fingertips, her nails were round and crystal clear, very beautiful, she smiled and said, "You must have forgotten Ding Liufeng, right?"

"Ding Liufeng?" The smile in Mu Liu's eyes faded, and he said, "I haven't forgotten that arrogant kid."

The steward was driving outside, and when he heard them talking about Ding Liufeng, he also agreed with his lips: "That Ding Liufeng is indeed extremely arrogant. If the president hadn't pulled him over at that time, I'm afraid I would have rushed up."

Baili Qinxue smiled, and said again: "Ding Liufeng is the eldest son of the Tiaoshi family in the Northern Continent. Naturally, he has the capital to be arrogant, and other people in the Tiaoshi venue know his name, so they dare not rush forward. .”

Mu Liu frowned and recalled, as if there was such a thing, "That is to say..."

Baili Qinxue nodded with a smile, and said: "That's right, Ding Liufeng was standing on the table with imitation stone materials at that time, and others didn't dare to approach him when they saw him, and they looked down on him, Liu Cheng Ding Liufeng must have thought of this level to stand there, and when he saw me coming, Ding Liufeng backed away."

"It's really a good little strategy..." Mu Liu raised her eyebrows, and there was a bit of sarcasm in her eyes, "I thought those stone materials were very good at the time, but after a while, I felt more and more wrong. Well, why Ding Liufeng didn't choose to go, it turned out to be the idea of ​​fighting against each other..."

"Who says it's not..." Baili Qinxue shrugged, the sarcasm in her eyes became more and more obvious.

"Miss Axue, since you know that the raw materials of those stones are not good, why did you pick them away?" Mu Liu blinked, wondering if he was going to lose money?

Baili Qinxue tapped her palm lightly, her brows narrowed slightly, "I'm going to get to the key point soon."

key point?
Mu Liu swallowed her saliva, and looked at Baili Qinxue with burning eyes.

"I asked Jing Ye to create chaos and falsely claim that there were thieves. In fact, it was to distract Liu Cheng and the others, so that..." Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, and purposely made a fool of herself.

Mu Liu's eyes flickered, and he asked urgently, "So what? Could it be that... you gave them those imitation stone raw materials, and brought the good stone raw materials in their bags?"

Baili Qinxue looked at Mu Liu with a look of "a child can be taught".

She hooked her lips and said with a smile: "You are smart, you will understand everything at once."

Mu Liu blinked, her pupils widened, and said, "You actually did that, you are quite courageous."

Miss Axue is really extraordinary, so amazing.

"They wanted to kill me, I just gave them a blow." After saying those words, Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, her eyes filled with coldness and sharpness.


(End of this chapter)

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