Chapter 1808 It seems that I saw that kid...

Seeing their serious faces, Baili Qinxue's heart skipped a beat, and an indescribable feeling slowly spread in her heart.

The three of Zhao Yu and the others looked at each other, wanting to say something but hesitated, as if they were not sure.

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, and she frowned even deeper, "You all seem hesitant to speak, what exactly do you want to say?"

Seeing that they didn't speak, Lin Wanwan blinked his eyes, and his flat voice immediately echoed in the ears of the house, "Well, we just went out and met a man in red on the road, that man, It seems to be a chicken leg, but the man left quickly, and we didn't see it clearly, but if the chicken leg was with me, I would definitely be able to see it clearly..."

On the streets of Xinghua City, met a person who looked like Dugu Sheng?

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, her heart skipped a beat again, "Is this true?"

Jing Ye bit her lip, feeling a little anxious in her heart.

The young master is in good health, and the old master is willing to release him?
Lin Wanwan bit his finger and said nothing.

Zhao Yu pursed his lips, hesitatingly said: "I just feel like it, but it's too far away to see clearly..."

Baili Qinxue held her chin and fell into deep thought.

Dugu Sheng, has the big bun really come to Xinghua City?

Wei Nanzi flicked his sleeves, took a step forward and said, "We must have misunderstood it. If a person like Dugu Sheng really returned to Xinghua City, he would definitely try his best to return to Xiling College. How could he be in the street?" Staying here for no reason?"

After hearing this, Zhao Yu nodded suddenly, "That's right, according to that kid's temperament, he will definitely stick to my little sister, haha..."

Baili Qinxue blushed when she heard the words, and felt a little relieved in her heart. She said, "That's a good statement. If it's really him, he will definitely return to Xiling College."

After all, that kid is so attached to himself, he will definitely come back.

After Jing Ye heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. He thought that the young master had returned, but he didn't expect to be happy for nothing.

Zhao Yu comforted again: "So, we just need to wait here for him to come back."

Baili Qinxue nodded, "That's right, just wait."

That small island is controlled by Dugu Mantian, she can't get in at all, all they can do is wait.


Baili Qinxue gritted her teeth, her heart seemed to be wrapped in a ball of hemp rope, as if she couldn't stop reasoning.

Zhao Yu smiled and changed the topic: "Little sister, you just said that Liu Cheng invited you to pick stones from Fourth Master Long?"

He was a little puzzled, when did she have such a good relationship with Liu Cheng?

Something is wrong...

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips and nodded lightly, "Yes, Liu Cheng invited me to pick stones."

The corner of Zhao Yu's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but said: "Your relationship with Liu Cheng is not good, it can be said that fire and water are incompatible, did Liu Cheng have a convulsion, and invited you to pick stones?"

There must be something shady about it, that Liu Cheng would not be so kind.

"Probably it's really a convulsion." Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, and said with a sudden smile: "I met Mu Liu and the others at the rock-picking place, so Jingye and I changed our faces and took Liu Cheng They dropped it."

Zhao Yu patted his chest quite reassuringly, and said, "Just shake it off, that Liu Cheng must have no good intentions."

Baili Qinxue smiled, but said nothing.

Zhao Yu pursed his lips, and said as if offering a treasure: "Little sister, the dragon tortoise crystal core you gave us has been inlaid into our weapons, do you want to see it?"


(End of this chapter)

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