Chapter 1814 The passing red figure!
Zhao Yu pursed his lips, feeling a little pain in his heart.

"Ah Zi and I went back to the Southern Continent, but we didn't go to the Illusion Realm to hunt for treasure. It's a pity when I think about it." Zhao Yu licked his mouth and muttered a few words casually.

Wei Nanzi also felt a little pity, but he didn't show it in his mouth.

Baili Qinxue smiled, and said again: "By the way, Lin Wanwan, I seem to have promised you last time that if I have a complete set of runestones, I will definitely give you one."

Lin Wanwan blinked and looked at her in confusion.

Could it be that she still has runestones in her hand?
There shouldn't be such an awesome thing... However, if it's chicken legs, it's not necessarily so.

"Well, yes." Lin Wanwan opened his lips and nodded slowly, the look in his eyes was still faint and dead.

Baili Qinxue raised her lips, and took out a runestone from the space.

Zhao Yu and the three of them stared straight at the scene.

Hehehe, she actually still has runestones, such good luck, she won't let others live.

"Well, what a beautiful runestone..." Lin Wanwan stared blankly with his eyes downcast, a ray of light rippled in his eyes, and in an instant, the waves sparkled like the color of a lake.

Baili Qinxue handed the rune stone to her, and said, "This is my promise, and it's also a gift to you. Thank you for helping me create a god-level staff."

Lin Wanwan caressed the surface of the runestone fondly, the water in his eyes swayed, and he was very agile, "Well, you're welcome, we are best friends..."

After the words fell, she raised her lips and smiled faintly.

Baili Qinxue also smiled, her eyes shone brightly.

At this time, Zhao Yu and the others regained their composure.

Zhao Yu pursed his lips, and his eyes sparkled, "Little sister, you gave the stupid girl runestones, do you have any gifts for us?"

He also wants a piece, and then hang it up at home, as a treasure of the town house, blah blah.

Baili Qinxue glanced at him and said with a smile, "No, aren't those dragon turtle crystal cores my gift to you?"

It seems really...

Zhao Yu scratched his hair, pursed his mouth, and stopped talking.

Baili Qinxue smiled, and hurriedly hid the god-level staff in the space.

Lin Wanwan thought for a while, and quickly hid the runestones in the cut-off space. It would be bad if someone with a heart sees them.

Zhao Yu and the others stayed in the house for a while, then went out.

After they left, Jing Ye was still in place, as if he couldn't let go of what happened just now.

This woman is also too powerful, she can take out pieces of god-level things at will, which is too scary...

Baili Qinxue ignored him, turned around and entered the room.

Jing Ye stood there for a while, then returned to the woodshed.

On the second day, the two dressed up differently and prepared to go out.

The long street of Xinghua City was as lively as before, and the two of them walked quietly on the long street without talking.

Baili Qinxue turned her head and looked around casually.

At this moment……

A crimson figure slowly passed before her eyes.

Baili Qinxue's heart trembled suddenly, and she looked around more vigilantly.

And after that figure passed her eyes, it got into the crowd, and gradually, that figure was submerged by the crowd until it disappeared.

Baili Qinxue swallowed her saliva, and suddenly stopped, her eyes flickered.

The figure just now seemed somewhat familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

Could it be, is it Dugu Sheng?

Baili Qinxue's heart trembled again, and the ripples in her eyes flickered.

Really, could it be him?

(End of this chapter)

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