Chapter 1838 Blank memory...

Dugu Sheng bit his lip, did not speak, and did not let go of the long sword in his hand.

Baili Qinxue has been holding the sharp sword, the blood on the palm of the hand is flowing non-stop.

Jing Ye couldn't stand it any longer, he hurriedly said: "Young Master, you can kill me if you want, but Miss Baili is..."

Baili Qinxue hastily tugged on Jing Ye's sleeve, telling him not to continue talking.

Jing Ye bit her lip, and her voice quickly stopped.

Dugu Sheng looked at Jing Ye and frowned when he saw that he stopped talking, "She, what is it?"

His intuition told him that something must have happened between him and the woman in front of him, and it was deeply involved, but he didn't even have any memory of it. What is going on?

Dugu Sheng pursed his lips tightly, always feeling that a big stone was being pressed against his head, which made his breathing a bit depressed.

Jing Ye glanced at Baili Qinxue, then cast her eyes on Dugu Sheng, without saying a word.

"Why don't you talk anymore?" Dugu Sheng asked with a cold face, a little unhappy.

Jing Ye's eyes flashed, but he still didn't speak.

Dugu Sheng was so angry that he let go of the sword, and cast his eyes on Baili Qinxue.

As soon as Baili Qinxue was released, she swallowed a small Huandan. In an instant, the blood on her hand dried up and the wound disappeared.

Dugu Sheng blinked his eyes.

Xiao Huan Dan... This woman actually has such a valuable pill, but he felt a natural feeling in his heart, as if she should have this Xiao Huan Dan.

It's a terrible emotion.

Dugu Sheng bit her lip, but her eyes kept lingering on Baili Qinxue, "Who the hell are you? Why did you force him to stop talking? What exactly is he trying to say?"

Baili Qinxue straightened her clothes, looked at him indifferently, "You really want to know."

Dugu Sheng stood facing the wind, his wide and wide sleeves fluttered with the wind, creating a layer of faint ripples, his eyes were pitch black, but the bottom of them was deep and deep.

His thin lips moved, and then he slowly opened his mouth: "Yes, I want to know."

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, took a step forward slowly, and said, "Okay, then I'll tell you now."

Dugu Sheng narrowed his eyes and looked serious.

Baili Qinxue felt a little uncomfortable looking at his serious and indifferent look.

How long ago did this kid actually show such an expression to her?

"You have been to Xinghua City before, and you were with me." Baili Qinxue said, her eyeballs moved suddenly, and there seemed to be a layer of cunning in them, "You came from a certain island , that island is full of aura, you came here because you couldn't adapt, you became like a child, I rescued you, and you became my servant in order to be grateful, always by my side, you can't drive away .”

Jing Ye was dumbfounded when he heard that, something is wrong with this version.

What servant?
Obviously it has become that kind of ulterior relationship, the young master is just like brown sugar, he can't be driven away!
What does Baili Qinxue want to do?
Don't you want to be with their young master?
"To be your servant?" Dugu Sheng was also a little messy after hearing this.

Would a noble man like him choose to be a servant?

However, her words sound unbelievable, but when you look carefully, there is some truth in them. After all, she knows about Xiaodao, and this woman must also know his true identity.

And he really knew this woman before, and did he still trust her so much?
Dugu Sheng stroked his forehead, but his memory was blank, and he couldn't remember at all, "Are you telling the truth?"


(End of this chapter)

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