Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1843 It's a lie, how could it be him...

Chapter 1843 It's a lie, how could it be him...

"Boss is right, as long as he doesn't mess with us, we don't care if he is good or bad." The four thieves said with a smile.

Baili Qinxue calmly looked at the high platform in the distance, without saying a word.

The four thieves began to chirp again, "Boss, we heard that the new tutor seems to be a young man, but the academy has not given an accurate answer as to who it is, and it is generally quite mysterious."

"No matter how mysterious it is, the veil will always be unraveled." Baili Qinxue said something casually without looking away.

After the four thieves heard this, they nodded hastily, "The instructor of the academy called us to this place, probably to announce who the new instructor is."

Baili Qinxue echoed, "There must be some meaning in this regard."

"Little girl, look quickly, someone has come out from the high platform." Seeing the movement there, Zhao Yu hurriedly shouted to attract Baili Qinxue's attention.

Baili Qinxue had noticed it a long time ago, she nodded and said: "Well, I have noticed it."

As soon as she finished her words, she saw a large group of mentors approaching, surrounded by a young man in black clothes. Presumably, that man was the new mentor who could replace Mr. Lin.

The students probably also thought of this level, and they were as busy as chicken blood, making a lot of noise.

"Ahhhh, that new mentor looks very proud, but he is blocked by the mentors and can't see his face at all."

"Even if it's far away, I can still feel the courage emanating from the new mentor, well, it's a kind of courage called the strong..."

"It totally blows me away..."

The students were completely fascinated by the mysterious new mentor, and all their words praised the new mentor.

Seeing this scene, Baili Qinxue became more curious in her heart.

Who is that new mentor?

She is also the same as the students, even if she is far away, she can still feel the aura emanating from the new tutor, that aura is powerful, and it is also mixed with an indescribable sense of familiarity.

Who is it?
Could it be an acquaintance?
Baili Qinxue blinked, the light in her pupils flickered, and the curiosity inside was about to overflow.

At this moment……

The instructors have completely stepped onto the high platform.

They got together and faltered a few words, then backed away, and the young tutor surrounded by them was completely exposed to the students' sight at this time.

The man was dressed in black, his eyebrows were like white snow in the mountains, which had not melted for a thousand years, exuding an indescribable coldness, that kind of coldness piercing through the bones, coming from the bones.

He flicked his sleeves and stood up straight, like a vigorous pine and cypress. In addition, he was unsmiling, really like that kind of strict teacher, and he didn't look like a young man in his 20s at all.

Baili Qinxue looked at it lightly, and suddenly felt dazed in her heart. In the end, she curled her lips and burst out laughing.

No wonder it's so familiar, I didn't expect to be an acquaintance...

Not only Baili Qinxue was stunned, but the students also froze in place, motionless, as if petrified.

Liar, how could he be the new mentor?
"I'm the new tutor, and I'll replace Mr. Lin from today." The man had already spoken, and his bone-chilling voice wafted into the ears of the students, leaving them stunned again.

is that a lie……

"Little sister, this is a lie..." Zhao Yu tugged Baili Qinxue's clothes in a daze, and said, "Didn't Xuanyuan Po say to go to the Eastern Continent, why did he become us when he came back?" The instructor of the academy?"


(End of this chapter)

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