Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1852 Stop hitting, the ground is broken!

Chapter 1852 Stop hitting, the ground is broken!

Baili Qinxue smiled and said nothing.

At this time, Dugu Sheng's transformed sword was fully formed, everyone watched and let out bursts of exclamations.

Dugu Sheng stood upright in the wind holding a thunder-type sword in his hand, and the autumn wind solemnly blew up his crimson robe.

"I said, I won't make your wish come true." Dugu Sheng tightened the sword in his hand, his eyes were as sharp as lightning.

Xuanyuan Po was amazed that he could transform into form by magic, so he couldn't speak for a while.

Dugu Sheng smiled, and waved the sword in his hand. In an instant, his figure flashed, and he flew directly towards the golden dragon hovering above his head.

The golden dragon roared with a terrifying sense of oppression.

Dugu Sheng didn't care, he raised his sword and stabbed at Jinlong.

"bang bang"


While the students and instructors were exclaiming, the golden dragon was split in half by Dugu Sheng, and there was another loud noise, and the golden dragon turned into a small golden light, which disappeared instantly.

Dugu Sheng jumped down and stood firmly on the spot, the thunder sword in his hand was still making a squeak, and the place where he swung the sword was cracked, as if he would sink into it if he stepped on it. Go down in general.

The students and tutors were all dumbfounded.

That golden dragon is obviously super powerful, and the coercion emanating from it made them breathless, but...

This kid actually swung his sword and defeated the golden dragon. It was so easy that they all thought that golden dragon was just a paper tiger and had no great power at all.

However, when they thought of the sense of oppression that Jin Long had just exuded, they didn't dare to think about it any more.

"That kid is really good, he was not so good in the college battle..."

"He may have hidden his strength, but now he explodes out and wants to make a big splash?"

"It's possible... such a person is enough to be our mentor."

"It is indeed qualified, but when I think that they are about the same age as us, I have a feeling that I can't tell..."

There is no harm without comparison, and the comparison between people is really pissing off!

The students pursed their lips, feeling a little confused.

"How about it, do you still need to fight now?" Dugu Sheng stroked the thunder sword, his eyes lingered on Xuanyuan Po's body.

The shock in Xuanyuan Po's eyes had not faded away.

The golden dragon he transformed into was so powerful that he knocked down the golden dragon with a single swing of his sword?

Xuanyuan Po opened his lips, the cold color in his eyes had faded, replaced by a deep fiery color.

He licked the corner of his lips and said: "You are really different, let's fight again, and today we must decide a winner."

Xuanyuan Po was determined to decide the winner.

Dugu Sheng glanced at him and said with a smile: "Since you play hard, then I can only accompany you to the end."

Hearing this, the corners of Xuanyuan Po's lips curled up, and there seemed to be a faint smile flickering in his eyes.

Dugu Sheng narrowed his eyes, and the aura on his body became a little bit colder.

When the two were about to fight again, Instructor Zhao rushed to the high platform suddenly and loudly dissuaded him: "You two don't fight any more. Look at the high platform, which was still fine, how has it been turned into by you now?"

The ground has been damaged in a large area, and there are big cracks. People can't walk on it. If it needs to be repaired, it may cost a lot of gold coins. It hurts to think about it.

Hearing this, the two were taken aback for a moment, and the fighting spirit in their eyes was lost by Teacher Zhao.

The two looked down...

The utterly ruined ground came into view, Xuanyuan Po's face changed, and he said in embarrassment: "Ahem...I didn't control my strength well..."


(End of this chapter)

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