Chapter 1867 That irresponsible brat?

Baili Qinxue nodded in agreement, "That's not bad, that kid is clearly here to play, and he has the same intentions as Xuanyuan Po, we should be thankful."

As soon as Zhao Yu thought of the bad things Dugu Sheng did to him, a lump grew in his heart, "Little sister, when that kid recovers his memory, you must torture him well, otherwise, I was tortured just now, but I can't bear it." It's really worthless."

Baili Qinxue nodded, "I know what you said, you don't need to remind me."

Zhao Yu scratched his hair with a smile.

At this moment……

The explanations inside stopped abruptly.

The students who were peeking outside the door were stunned.

Could it be that they were discovered?
Xuanyuan Po flicked his sleeves, and a faint voice came out from inside, "You are students in the second class? What's the point of staying outside the door instead of studying?"

The students froze in place when they heard the words.

His voice was not only cold, but also mixed with anger, making people feel as if they were in the cold winter.

"Why don't you guys talk?" Xuanyuan Po's voice came from inside again.

The students looked at each other, as if they just ran away, but they couldn't move their feet.


The door was opened, and Xuanyuan Po walked out from inside.

He stood at the door with his hands behind his back, his whole body exuded a cold smell, and he said indifferently: "Is there no one in your second class? Are you so free?"

When the cold voice came, the students were startled.

"Teacher Xuanyuan, someone in our second class..." the students bit their lips and stammered.

Xuanyuan Po glanced at Baili Qinxue, and said, "Since someone is teaching, why is there such a commotion in the place where I teach?"

It was so loud that he couldn't teach properly.

Baili Qinxue met his gaze calmly and said nothing.

The students looked at each other, and because of Xuanyuan Po's majesty, they said truthfully: "Mr. Dugu has something to do, so I left temporarily. We practiced for a while before going back. Then, I heard a burst of Out of curiosity, we stopped and took a look..."

The students felt that Xuanyuan Po in front of them was terrifying, his cold appearance seemed like he wanted to eat people.

"Tutor Dugu?" Xuanyuan Po narrowed his eyes and asked, "Dugu Sheng?"

After hearing this, the students nodded obediently.

Xuanyuan Po clenched his fists, with an expression of displeasure on his face, "I knew he didn't intend to be a mentor, but I never thought he would be so irresponsible. If I had known this, I shouldn't have let him stay. .”

He pursed his lips, and the expression on his face became a little colder again.

Seeing Xuanyuan Po's complexion, the students froze in place, "Mr. Xuanyuan, actually, Mr. Dugu is not so irresponsible. He taught us how to set up formations. left."

Xuanyuan Po frowned, but his expression did not improve.

The students swallowed their saliva and froze in place, not knowing what to do.

Baili Qinxue stood where she was, and Shu Er said lightly, "It seems a little bad for Tutor Xuanyuan to stand here all the time. Your students are all waiting for you to go back to teach."

Xuanyuan Po turned his head, and really saw the students inside looking out eagerly.

He looked away, and said to them again: "Forget it, I have to go back to teach, you go back to class too."


(End of this chapter)

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