Chapter 1871 Two people who are wrong

The cold tone seemed to be asking questions.

Dugu Sheng raised his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes.

He flicked his hair, and then he said unhurriedly: "Yes, I have some things to do before I leave. You are so cold that you don't care about other people's affairs, do you?"

Xuanyuan Po's face remained unchanged, but his eyes became much colder. He said, "If you have something to do, you naturally don't care about it, but it's not justifiable for you to leave all the students there for so long after leaving."

Dugu Sheng narrowed his eyes, and said: "I also taught them some things, and I told them to practice hard before leaving, so it doesn't count as abandoning them."

Xuanyuan Po narrowed his eyebrows.

Dugu Sheng raised his eyebrows, always feeling cold as if he was deliberately targeting him.

Could it be that they had some deep hatred before, but they have no memory at all...

Dugu Sheng pursed the corners of his lips, and the aura between the two was revealed, quite a bit of tit for tat.

The students all watched and were taken aback.

The low air pressure around the two of them was terrifying.

"Little sister." Zhao Yu tugged at the corner of Baili Qinxue's clothes, swallowed, and said, "When the two of them meet, there is an invisible spirit emanating out, which is quite scary."

Baili Qinxue glanced at them, but said nothing.

Dugu Sheng was quite resistant to Xuanyuan Po before he lost his memory, but he didn't expect that this feeling of resistance would become even stronger after losing his memory, which is really interesting.

Seeing that she was silent, Zhao Yu also stopped talking.

At this moment……

The low air pressure between Dugu Sheng and Xuanyuan Po also dissipated a lot.

Xuanyuan Po turned around, wrote down the students' data, and stopped entangled with him too much.

Dugu Sheng put his arms around his chest, and he was also very happy.

At this moment, a large group of students have passed the test, and only Baili Qinxue and Zhao Yu are left.

Xuanyuan Po and Dugu Sheng turned their heads to look at them at the same time.

"Which of you two will come first?" Xuanyuan Po parted his thin lips and asked in a cold voice.

Baili Qinxue played with her hair, then pushed Zhao Yu's arm, and said casually: "Zhao Yu, you go and play with that test first, and I will go in after you recover."

Zhao Yu nodded obediently, flicked his sleeves and went in.

Xuanyuan Po swung his sleeves to close the door, and cast a glance at Baili Qinxue from the corner of his eye.

That glance, with an unknown emotion, made her eyes frown.

Dugu Sheng looked away after taking a look, and leaned to one side with his arms around his chest, looking very leisurely.

Xuanyuan Po looked at him coldly, his eyes filled with disgust.

Seeing this scene, the students couldn't help muttering: "Why do I feel that there is something wrong between Teacher Xuanyuan and Teacher Dugu?"

"Don't tell me, I also found out that as long as they meet, they will be tit for tat. I don't know why..."

"Maybe it was because there was no winner in the competition that day, and there was a knot in the hearts of both of them."

"It's possible, it's possible..."

Dugu Sheng automatically blocked the students' voices, but he did not like Xuanyuan Po, and he didn't know why, as if it came from his bones.

The students muttered for a while, and then stopped talking. Everyone's attention was on the crystal ball.

Zhao Yu in the crystal ball is struggling to avoid the hidden weapon, quite heroic.

Dugu Sheng glanced at it, and there was a hint of disgust in his eyes.

If you are trapped in the formation, you will cry for your father and mother, but when you get to the test room, you will know how handsome you are...


(End of this chapter)

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