Chapter 1873 So touching...

Xuanyuan Po's voice was as cold as ice, but pierced through the students' ears in an instant. The students looked at each other, but nodded at the same time: "Teacher Xuanyuan made a lot of sense, Baili Qinxue and her It is indeed very powerful, if she trains the same as us, it will be unfair."

Zhao Yu glanced at Xuanyuan Po, and then at the crystal ball. Although he was not worried about Baili Qinxue, he always felt that Xuanyuan Po's actions were a bit wrong and strange, but he couldn't say anything.

Dugu Sheng played with his fingertips, and laughed teasingly: "Teacher Xuanyuan always has his own reasons, I can't speak to you, and I don't want to talk to you."

Xuanyuan Po hooked the corners of his lips, and said: "Teaching needs to be quiet, it's good not to talk."

He didn't want to talk to Dugu Sheng in the first place, and letting him stroll here was a kind of limit.

Dugu Sheng glanced at him, but was not angry.

He turned his head to look at the crystal ball, only to see that although Baili Qinxue was surrounded by more than 20 monsters, she did not show any panic, instead she looked like she was sure of winning.

That kind of confident expression is full of surprises, which makes people sink at a glance.

Dugu Sheng was taken aback for a moment, tried hard to suppress the strangeness in his heart, pretended to be calm and continued to look at the crystal ball.

He would like to see, this woman has been surrounded by monsters, what kind of method does she want to use to break out of the encirclement?

Test room.

Baili Qinxue looked at the more than 20 monsters in front of her with a calm expression.

More than 20 monsters were vicious, as if they would pounce on and eat their own flesh and blood if they relaxed a little. Baili Qinxue rubbed her fingernails and looked at them lightly.

She could feel that the level of these monsters was very low, and they were no threat to her at all. If she used her mind to drive them away, it would save a lot of effort, but...

These magical beasts came in a strange way. During the test, the students next to them encountered either hidden weapons or hidden weapons. There was no magical beast at all. Why did the magical beast appear when it was her turn?
Could it be that someone wants to use these monsters to determine something?
Baili Qinxue squinted her eyes, turned her head to look at the closed door.

Outside, Xuanyuan Po's eyes collided with hers, Xuanyuan Po was slightly taken aback, and a complex emotion flashed in his eyes.

Baili Qinxue couldn't see what was going on outside, so she glanced at it for a while and then looked away.

When she looked at the monster in front of her again, a ruthless look flashed in her eyes, "No matter how you came here, I will kill you one by one today."

After saying that, she condensed two kinds of magic in the palm of her hand. In an instant, the two kinds of magic turned into swords, flickering in the dark test room, extremely dazzling.

Dugu Sheng looked at the two swords in her hands, and his heart seemed to be touched.

His eyes flashed, and he covered his heart calmly.

His heart was beating violently, as if being entwined by something familiar, which gave him an indescribable feeling.

Why is it so familiar and so provocative?

Could it be that the relationship between them is not simple at all?
Dugu Sheng stared blankly at the picture in the crystal ball, and saw Baili Qinxue holding up the two swords and dodging towards the monsters.

Swish swish.

I saw her clothes flying lightly, her feet were like wind and lightning, and the moment the sword was swung, monsters lay on the ground one after another accompanied by blood.

Her movements also seem to be dancing, so it touches people's hearts...

Dugu Sheng stared blankly, the water in his eyes flickered, bringing out a different kind of affection.


(End of this chapter)

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