Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 188 Liu Cheng's Monster Beast Is Awesome

Chapter 188 Liu Cheng's Monster Beast Is Awesome

Baili Qinxue subconsciously looked at the private room, could it be that Mu Liu was inside?

She took a few glances and then looked away. Whether Mu Liu was present or not had nothing to do with her.

"Girl, please tell me your bet." The old man looked at Liu Cheng, and his cloudy eyes lingered on her collar for a long time, as if he wanted to shoot a big hole out of her robe.

Liu Cheng subconsciously covered her collar, her cheeks were blushing, and there was a hint of anger in her eyes, she was really a lecherous old man, and she was really angry when she saw it.

Seeing that there was no beautiful scenery to see, the old man averted his gaze, but there was a lewd smile on his lips.

Liu Cheng was angry and glared at him.

"My bet is a total of five low-grade Huishen Pills and Huoxue Pills, one medium-grade weapon and one high-grade weapon, plus [-] gold coins. What is your bet, old man?"

Liu Cheng raised her eyebrows and raised her head high, as if she felt that her bet was extremely precious and rich.

"As an elder, it is naturally much more expensive than a little girl." The old man smiled contemptuously, took out various treasures from the space ring, raised his head and said: "My bet is three Yuanling spar, one seventh-order black iron And an eighth-grade black iron, plus [-] gold coins and a space ring."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was startled. They didn't expect a plain old man to be so rich. They seemed to look down on him just now...

Liu Cheng was also stunned, she didn't expect him to come up with so many good things.

The old man raised his eyebrows at her, and his eyes lingered on her again.

"Sister, tell me who will win." Dugu Sheng tugged at the corner of Baili Qinxue's clothes, and said with some contempt: "That old man is really disgusting, I hope that woman can win, even though she glared at my sister , but as a man, one should have the demeanor of a man, I won't be as knowledgeable as her..."

Baili Qinxue sneered and rubbed the top of his head, "No matter who wins or loses, the good things are not ours, we just watch the show here."

"That's right." Dugu Sheng pursed his lips, and suddenly leaned close to Baili Qinxue's ear and said: "Sister, just look at it like this, don't you want to make a fortune?"

Baili Qinxue rolled her eyes and said with a smile, "Of course I want to make a fortune, we have to look at the situation before making any plans."

"Okay." Dugu Sheng tugged on her sleeve, "When the time comes, earn a mountain of gold and silver, let me roll a few times on it."

Baili Qinxue nodded his little nose, "You are small, but you still have a big appetite."

"After being with my sister for a long time, my appetite grows." Dugu Sheng raised his head with a bright smile.

Baili Qinxue: "..."

They were chatting happily here, but the people below were as chilling and awe-inspiring as gold and iron horses. Liu Cheng couldn't understand the old man's lustful eyes, gritted his teeth, and summoned the contracted magic beast.

It was a snow-white monster with fluff all over its body, which looked soft and fluffy, making people want to touch it, but the monster's eyes were fierce and frightening, which made people daunted.

Liu Cheng touched its head with a smile, its head raised slightly, as if it had already won.

"Xue'er, enjoy the fight for a while, and help your master win all kinds of rare treasures." Liu Cheng whispered softly in its ear, and it seemed to understand, and raised its head and roared.

This roar really startled people.

The old man also took a step back in fright. He really didn't expect a pretty girl to have such a fierce and terrifying monster. Judging by the majestic appearance, it must be above the sixth rank.


(End of this chapter)

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