Chapter 1882 Have you poisoned me?
Baili Qinxue was a little surprised, and looked at him with burning eyes, "What do you want to ask me?"

Dugu Sheng was so itchy by her stare, for a moment he really wanted to press her under him and fuck her hard, but when he calmed down, he was startled by his own thoughts.

When did he become so perverted, whenever he sees a beautiful woman...

He covered the emotion on his face, coughed lightly again, and asked viciously: "You woman, did you drug me?"

What, drug it?

Baili Qinxue blinked and looked at Dugu Sheng with some doubts.

Her eyes were misty, and there was a layer of mist in her pupils, and she looked very beautiful with mist.

Dugu Sheng bit her lip, the strange feeling that she had suppressed just now came up again, that this hateful woman still seduced him...

"Turn your head away, don't look at me like that..." Dugu Sheng narrowed his eyes, his face was a little ugly.

Baili Qinxue didn't listen to him, but frowned and asked, "What are you talking about, what are you drugging, please tell me clearly?"

This hateful woman pretended not to know.

Dugu Sheng bit her lip, and gave Baili Qinxue a vicious look, making her even more confused.

This kid must be stupid, he asked some weird questions as soon as he came up.

Dugu Sheng covered his beating heart, coughed lightly and said: "If you didn't drug me, why would I have a weird feeling when I saw you, and as long as you look at me or smile at me, this kind of The feeling will become stronger and stronger..."

Baili Qinxue blinked, confused, "What strange feeling?"

Dugu Sheng gritted his teeth, his face turned red with anger, "You woman knowingly asked, obviously you drugged me, and you pretended to ask me how I feel, you are really shameless."

Baili Qinxue was stunned for a moment, then looked at him fixedly, and saw that his cheeks were flushed and his eyes were evasive, so he couldn't help but understand.

She raised her lips and said with a smile: "I really didn't give you any medicine, could it be that you had a good impression of me when you were my servant, even if you lost your memory, this good impression has not been erased, but it has grown stronger and stronger. Profound, that's why you saw me..."

She didn't go on, but the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

When Dugu Sheng heard this, he was so angry that he lost his temper. He blushed and cursed: "Why do you have a crush on me? You are a woman who is not ashamed. How could I have a crush on you..."

When it came to the end, Dugu Sheng's tone weakened a little, as if he didn't even believe that he didn't like her.

Baili Qinxue clasped her teacup, a look of narrowness flashed in her eyes, she shrugged her shoulders and said, "But, the truth is right in front of you, it's useless if you want to deny it."

Dugu Sheng was annoyed, blushed and snorted again, "You are shameless..."

Baili Qinxue took a sip of tea and said with a smile, "If you don't like me, why are you blushing?"

It's red like an apple, much cuter than the flower of the kaolin.

Dugu Sheng was stunned, and stroked his cheek, only to feel that his face was scorching hot, his eyes flashed, and he furiously said: "You woman, don't talk nonsense, I don't blush."

"No?" Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows and smiled extremely viciously.

In the past, Dugu Sheng was always teasing her, which made her helpless to fight, but now, she also made a comeback, which is really interesting.

Dugu Sheng looked at the vicious smile in her eyes, his brows tightened, and suddenly, his eyes flashed, and he rushed forward...


(End of this chapter)

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