Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1889 Look at what you guys are playing!

Chapter 1889 Look at what you guys are playing!
Liu Cheng understood, even though she didn't like Baili Qinxue in her heart, she still smiled and said, "That's right, it will be more lively if there are more people to play together, what do you think of Baili Qinxue?"

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, seeing Liu Cheng's expression of reluctance but refraining from coming to talk to her, she almost laughed out loud.

She resisted the urge to laugh, and said, "It's not impossible to go out and play with you..."

Hearing this, Ye Huansha's eyes lit up, and she said: "Then why are you hesitating, go play with us."

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, pretending to be hesitant and said: "Actually, I still have some companions, they must also want to play with me, if I let them go..."

Ye Huansha rolled her eyes and blurted out: "Then let them..."

Before she could speak, she was interrupted by Liu Cheng: "Baili Qinxue, just talk to them, say that you want to play with us, you are so good with them, they will definitely understand you."

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes.

Just want to take away all the people around her?

She raised her lips, and a low laugh overflowed from the corner of her mouth. After a while, she said: "If that's the case, let's go and have fun together. I can't refuse your kind invitation."

When Ye Huansha heard it, she was immediately happy, and she said: "Then we will come to you on the day of the game."

Baili Qinxue looked into her smiling eyes, and after a flash of icyness quietly flashed at the bottom of her eyes, she then retracted, and she said: "Okay, then I will wait for you to come to me."

Ye Huansha hooked her lips and smiled even more touchingly.

Liu Cheng took a meaningful look at Baili Qinxue, the hatred flickering in her eyes, but Baili Qinxue looked straight at her.

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows and curled the corners of her lips calmly, pretending she didn't see it.

Liu Cheng thought she hadn't been discovered, so she laughed even more unscrupulously.

Baili Qinxue didn't want to look any more, she looked away calmly, and said, "Since we've already agreed, I'll go back first if I have something to do."

When Ye Huansha heard the words, she nodded hurriedly and said: "If Miss Baili has something to do, go and do it. We will come to you on that day."

Baili Qinxue didn't speak, she turned her head and left.

Ye Huansha stood on the spot, looking at Baili Qinxue's back almost obsessively. After her back disappeared completely, Ye Huansha turned around, looked at Liu Cheng and said, "Just now Baili Qinxue said that she wants to treat her friends." Come together, why don't you agree?"

Fortunately, Baili Qinxue finally agreed, otherwise, she would be mad at Liu Cheng.

Liu Cheng raised her eyebrows, and said: "The few friends around Baili Qinxue are not easy to provoke, if they come with Baili Qinxue at that time, there is no chance for you to make a move, even if you do, you will Beaten to death by her friends."

I have to say that Liu Cheng's concerns are right.

If Zhao Yu and the others go together, there is no chance for them to make a move.

Ye Huansha bit her lip, but she didn't argue about anything, "That's quite reasonable, but aren't you afraid that Baili Qinxue will agree to us?"

Liu Cheng was slightly taken aback, "I didn't think about this level at the time, I just wanted to avoid complications... But since Baili Qinxue agreed, let's forget about the previous things."

She really didn't expect Baili Qinxue to agree so readily, she thought it would take a lot of talking.

It's surprising now that I think about it...

Ye Huansha held her chin, nodded and said, "You are right. Since she has already agreed, forget about what happened just now."


(End of this chapter)

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