Chapter 1897 Going to swim in the lake!

Ye Huansha heard the sound and hurriedly turned her head to take a look.

Suddenly, her gaze was frozen.

Baili Qinxue looked really good in that blue and white veil dress, the originally beautiful color had a different charm on her body, Ye Huansha swallowed her saliva, the heat in her eyes became more intense a bit.

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, took in all her eyes, but asked calmly, "Miss Ye, what's wrong with you, why are you so dumb?"

Ye Huansha was stunned, and suddenly said: "It's nothing, I just think that the blue and white gauze dress is very suitable for you. It is already beautiful, and it will be even more beautiful when you wear it like this."

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes and laughed softly, "Then thank you Miss Ye for your compliment."

Liu Cheng raised her eyebrows, and looked at Baili Qinxue with a displeased face.

Isn't it just a gauze dress, is it necessary to boast about it?
However, this little bitch's good days are coming to an end, and she will suffer today.

Baili Qinxue glanced at Liu Cheng, and asked again: "Am I late? Did you guys wait too long?"

Ye Huansha shook her head suddenly, "No, we just arrived."

Baili Qinxue flicked her sleeves, and the veil on her body fluttered in the wind. It was as eye-catching as a mist in an instant. She curled her lips and smiled softly: "It's great if you don't have to wait long... Although it's for fun, But do you know what it's for?"

Liu Cheng didn't speak, Ye Huansha continued: "I heard from Ms. Liu that she seems to be going out to swim in the lake. There are fresh fish in the lake. You can go fishing on the lake by boat. At noon, you can eat what you catch. fish."

He even went to swim in the lake, fish, and take a boat.

If we go on a boat with them, no one will know what happens, it's really interesting...

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, and a stern smile flashed in her eyes, "It sounds interesting to actually go swimming in the lake and go fishing."

Ye Huansha also bent her lips and said with a smile: "Yes, it's very interesting. When the time comes, we will get a boat and go boating on the lake. Don't mention how wonderful it is."

Hearing the boat, Liu Cheng raised her eyebrows, and a strange smile flashed in her eyes.

This little bitch is going to be finished soon, haha.

Baili Qinxue smiled, and seeing that the students had followed the instructor, she said, "The students have all followed the instructor, let's follow quickly."

Liu Cheng and the others hurriedly nodded.

They went to the lake on foot.

Because it was an activity organized by Xiling College, all the people around the lake were dispersed, as if the lake was contracted by their college.

Baili Qinxue watched, secretly marveling at the enormous power of the academy.

"The people have all been dispersed." Ye Huansha looked around and couldn't help laughing, "You Xiling College did a good job with this trick, and the people will inevitably bump into each other, and accidents will happen if there are mixed dragons and snakes. There are only people from Xiling College left, so we have something to play with."

Liu Cheng nodded, and Ding Liufeng continued, "Well, Xiling College is really thoughtful."

At this moment, the students all dispersed, and they all found a place to play.

The tutors sat in the gazebo next to them, sipping tea and eating.

Ye Huansha's eyes immediately fixed on the gazebo, her eyes lit up, and she said again: "I heard that your Xiling College has two new tutors?"

I heard that he was a student of Xiling College before, and he seems to be pretty good looking.


(End of this chapter)

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