Chapter 1899 I did it on purpose!

The ship in front of me was not too big or small, and it was extremely exquisite, and it was covered with a layer of gauze curtains, which made it look like a dream.

Hearing the praise, Ding Liufeng raised his head high, looking extremely appreciated.

Liu Cheng looked at it, and also praised, "It is indeed a beautiful ship, which fits our identities."

Ye Huansha grabbed Baili Qinxue's wrist and said with a smile, "Miss Baili, let's stop standing there, let's hurry up and get on the boat."

Baili Qinxue lowered her eyes and frowned.

Being pulled by Ye Huansha like this, there is always an uncomfortable feeling, Baili Qinxue held back the nausea in her heart, and smiled softly: "Okay, let's go up quickly, lest all the fish will be caught by others gone."

After the words fell, she followed Ye Huansha up.

Liu Cheng stood there for a while, then followed her up.

Once on the boat, Baili Qinxue felt that her field of vision had been expanded a bit. Sitting on the boat, she could see all kinds of scenery around her clearly. This feeling was extremely wonderful.

She stood at the bow of the boat, letting the wind blow past her ears, and then rolled up the corner of her robe.

On the shore, the mentors were sitting in the gazebo drinking tea and having snacks.

Dugu Sheng was shaking his teacup in boredom, he turned his head and saw Baili Qinxue standing at the bow of the boat.

That woman was indeed with Liu Cheng and the others. I don't know where the confidence came from. She wanted to go out with someone who wanted to hurt her. If it was someone else, she would have avoided it long ago. I don't know what this woman thinks .

Dugu Sheng took a sip of tea, his eyes fell on Baili Qinxue and he couldn't take it back.

I have seen this woman several times, and every time I saw her wearing a plain white dress, but today she was wearing a blue and white dress for the first time.

The blue and white color is extremely clean and refreshing, and it has an indescribable charm when worn on her body. Dugu Sheng swallowed his saliva, and his eyes lingered on her body even more unscrupulously.

This woman is damn beautiful no matter what she wears!

Dugu Sheng felt a hot feeling in his heart, so he raised his head and drank all the tea in the cup.

Xuanyuan Po rolled his eyes, seeing that Dugu Sheng was extremely irritable, he couldn't help frowning and his expression was a bit ugly.

"Teacher Dugu, why are you so impatient when you come out to play?" Xuanyuan Po glanced at him and asked expressionlessly.

Dugu Sheng fanned the wind with his hands, and said: "It's nothing, I just feel a little hot..."

Xuanyuan Po raised his eyebrows, the sun is not too bright today, will it be hot?
Go cheating!

Dugu Sheng fanned the wind with his hand again, he looked down at the teacup, then looked up at the boat, but saw that the bow was empty, and the woman entered at some point.

Dugu Sheng gritted his teeth angrily, this woman really ran away after teasing her, damn it.

"I'm going to go fishing by boat too." Dugu Sheng stood up angrily, left without saying a word.

Xuanyuan Po looked at his leaving back, and frowned again.

on board.

Baili Qinxue was fishing with a fishing rod.

She was sitting by the boat waiting for the fish to bite when a boat came by.

Baili Qinxue was fishing and didn't pay much attention to it. Soon the fish was hooked. Baili Qinxue curled her lips and a smile flashed in her eyes.

She was just about to pull up the fishing rod, but at this moment...

A small stone was thrown from the bow of the neighboring boat and smashed straight into the lake. The fish was frightened and spit it out and ran away.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Baili Qinxue was almost amused. No matter how idiot she was, she knew that someone did it on purpose. Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence?
She raised her head, suddenly, her eyes were dazed for a moment.


(End of this chapter)

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