Chapter 190 The Winner Orange

Xue'er also seemed to be addicted to biting, and she refused to let go of her mouth no matter what. In an instant, the bloody smell in the venue was disgusting.The black crow kept flapping its wings, and finally it was so painful that it passed out as soon as it rolled its eyes.

"Black crow..." The old man exclaimed, pointing at Liu Cheng's nose and cursing: "You vicious woman, hurry up and tell your demon beast to let go."

Liu Cheng glared at him a few times, but stood there without saying a word. After a while, she said: "Okay, Xue'er can let go."

Xue'er let go of the black crow, shook its fur and jumped towards Liucheng. Liucheng smiled and touched its head. It narrowed its eyes as if enjoying it, and squatted quietly at her feet.

Liu Cheng raised her head, with the proud attitude of a winner.

The old man gritted his teeth angrily when he saw the black crow that had passed out. He sullenly took the black crow back to avoid embarrassing him. When the black crow was gone, the old man looked up at Liu Cheng.

"You little bitch, how dare you use dirty tricks. If you hadn't given the Warcraft a blood-activating pill, how could my black crow have lost." The old man strode forward, wanting to grab her by the collar, Liu Cheng Responding quickly, he dodged there, and the old man stammered and cursed even worse: "Since you dare to cheat, little bitch, are you afraid that I will hurt you?"

The old man was angry and angry, his eyes still fell on Liu Cheng's chest, and he refused to look away for a long time.

"There is no rule here that you cannot use pills. If I have pills to use, then I am superior." Liu Cheng turned sideways calmly, avoiding his gaze, and then said: "I respect you as an elder , I won’t take your filthy words to heart, but please remember that I am the one who wins now, no matter what you do, this will not change, if you lose, you lose, and your bet please Give it to me together."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present felt that she was a humble and polite girl. As an elder, the old man was full of filth, which was really infuriating.

"Old man, quickly take out your bet."

"Could it be that you are trying to cheat?"

"It's still this girl who understands the general situation. I don't know where the old man came from. His mouth is full of filth. He deserves it if he loses."

Liucheng stands alone, full of heroism.

The old man gritted his teeth angrily, "Shut up and shut up, she is cheating, she gave the magic beast a pill..."

"Stop making excuses."

"There is no rule that you can't take pills, right?"

The steward of the fighting beast venue heard someone ask him, so he stood up and said: "It is true that our master did not say that you can't take pills, and Miss Liucheng is right, if you can have pills, you are superior."

When the old man heard the words, his face was ashen.

"Senior, please keep your promise." Liu Cheng looked at him with a smile.

The old man took out all the treasures as if resigned to his fate, and left after throwing them away.

Liu Cheng put all the good things into the space ring, and when she raised her head, she glanced at the private room with nostalgia, only to see the lights in the private room were burning brightly, and there were people everywhere, but she didn't see the bead curtain rolled up and someone stuck her head down wait and see.

She pursed her lips, feeling a little disappointed.

Baili Qinxue leaned against the railing and sighed a few times. This is a woman in unrequited love. She focused all her eyes on one person and only hoped that that person would look back. It was really pitiful.

"Sister, you can still take pills." Dugu Sheng shook his calf, his eyes rolled, "We have so many pills, wouldn't we be invincible if we keep feeding them all the time?"

It is indeed a good idea to eat the pill as a Chinese cabbage.


(End of this chapter)

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