Chapter 1901 See if you are dead!
Baili Qinxue also looked down, and couldn't help laughing: "I caught one at first, but my instructor was wayward and threw a pebble down, and my fish was scared away."

Ye Huansha patted her on the shoulder and comforted her: "It's okay, anyway, there's still some time left for dinner, you can fish here with peace of mind."

Baili Qinxue nodded hurriedly, and said: "Yes, there is still some time, I will definitely be able to catch the fish."

Seeing that she was very happy staying here, Ye Huansha didn't suspect anything, and quickly smiled again: "Then you go fishing here first, I'm going back to fish too."

Baili Qinxue watched her leave with a smile, and when her figure completely dissipated, the smile in Baili Qinxue's eyes also subsided.

Her face darkened, and she casually played with the fishing rod in her hand.

"You woman doesn't fish, why are you playing with the fishing rod?" Dugu Sheng's voice came from above his head again.

Baili Qinxue was startled, then raised her eyes and looked over, "Didn't Teacher Dugu go away, why is he back?"

Dugu Sheng blushed, snorted softly, and said, "I just want to come back and see if you were killed by those people. I didn't expect you to be alive and still staring at the fishing rod in a daze."

He didn't know what was wrong, but he was suddenly worried about this woman.

Seeing that she was intact, she immediately felt relieved.

Dugu Sheng clutched his chest, this feeling made him extremely irritable, but not so annoying.

"Then I can understand that, are you worried about me?" Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, her eyes blooming with a charming smile like a flower.

Dugu Sheng watched, his heart trembled again.

This woman is so beautiful when she smiles...

Dugu Sheng pouted, and quickly denied it: "Who said I was worried about you, you woman, don't talk nonsense."

Baili Qinxue waved her hand and said with a smile: "Forget it, you don't worry if you say you're not worried, and I don't want to argue with you."

Dugu Sheng frowned, but did not speak.

Baili Qinxue lowered her eyes, fishing quietly.

Dugu Sheng also lowered his eyes, looking at her openly.

When she was fishing, her eyes were focused, and even the air around her became quieter. Dugu Sheng raised her eyebrows, and she actually felt that the time at this moment had a sense of tranquility.

He stared blankly, with a gleam of heat in his eyes.

At this moment……

Baili Qinxue moved the fishing rod in her hand.

She hooked her lips, her eyes sparkled, and the fish took the bait haha.

Seeing her smile, Dugu Sheng's heart trembled again, feeling a little itchy and unbearable.

Without hesitation, Baili Qinxue lifted the fishing rod up. The moment she lifted it up, she saw a medium-sized crucian carp biting the bait and still thumping non-stop.

Baili Qinxue threw the crucian carp into the bucket, and the smile in her eyes became even stronger.

"It's a crucian carp. I'll eat some fish later." Baili Qinxue pursed her lips and smiled.

Dugu Sheng's eyes fell on her bright little face, he curled his lips, and laughed too.

Baili Qinxue raised her head, and the smile in his eyes was also reflected in her eyes, that intoxicating smile, with a touch of heart-pounding sensuality, was also familiar to her.

The water in her eyes swayed, and a ray of tenderness lingered deep in the bottom of her eyes again.

Dugu Sheng trembled, and he took the lead in recovering and said: "You can fish here, I'll go first."

After the words fell, he drove the boat away directly.

After he left, Baili Qinxue regained her composure. She suppressed the smile on her face and continued fishing.

After a while, a lot of fish were caught again. At this time, Ye Huansha and the others came to urge them to start eating fish.

Baili Qinxue walked back carrying the bucket.


(End of this chapter)

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