Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1908 May have to wait for the attack!

Chapter 1908 May have to wait for the attack!
Ye Huansha was not that impatient, she gave Liu Cheng a comforting look, and signaled her to wait, maybe the effect of the medicine would take effect soon.

Liu Cheng bit her lip, and finally settled down a bit.

But at this moment, a bad premonition emerged in her heart, and for some unknown reason, a coldness spread quietly around her, and soon swept across her whole body, causing her to constrict her breathing.

It's strange, why do you feel this way?

Liu Cheng was a little puzzled, but tried her best to calm down her emotions.

"Miss Baili, do you have any discomfort?" Ye Huansha was also a little impatient in her heart, she pursed her lips, and couldn't help but blurt out the question.

Baili Qinxue raised her eyes and saw her anxious look, she was in a bad mood, she said: "I'm fine, I don't feel uncomfortable at all, why does Miss Ye ask like that?"

Ye Huansha paused, and her face was a little flustered. She asked out of nowhere, what if she was noticed?
Ye Huansha's eyeballs rolled around, trying to find a reason to say: "I ate something, and I feel a little hot and uncomfortable..."

Baili Qinxue pretended to be concerned and said, "It's okay, do you want to go out and have some fun?"

Ye Huansha hurriedly shook her head, "Actually, I'm fine, I'm not that delicate..."

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, and said with great concern: "If Miss Ye is uncomfortable, just say it, but don't hold back."

Ye Huansha nodded. Seeing that Baili Qinxue was still calm, she became even more irritable.

What's going on, it stands to reason that the drug effect should have occurred...

It's unscientific why she's still doing well.

Ye Huansha frowned and kept looking at Baili Qinxue's face, trying to find out some clues, but ended in failure.

She bit her lip, feeling even more puzzled.

Baili Qinxue played with her fingertips and laughed silently in her heart.

Liu Cheng stirred the fish in the bowl, seeing that Baili Qinxue was still so normal, she no longer wanted to eat it.

Is Ye Huansha's poison useful?

"Miss Ye..." Liu Cheng narrowed her eyes and couldn't help calling Ye Huansha.

Ye Huansha shook her head at her, expressing that she didn't know either.

Liu Cheng raised her eyebrows and was immediately angry.

Sure enough, you can't just rely on Ye Huansha, what has this little bitch succeeded in?

Ye Huansha got up and added some spices to the incense burner.

In an instant, the fragrance became more and more intense.

Seeing this, Liu Cheng's anger eased a lot, and he increased the dose of medicine, now this little bitch will not be able to escape, haha.

Baili Qinxue was not in a hurry, still quietly holding the fish on the dinner plate.

Half an hour later, with enough food and drink, everyone got up and went to the bow of the boat to have a breeze.

Liu Cheng pulled Ye Huansha aside irritably, and asked, "Did you not attack her, why is she still fine?"

Ye Huansha was puzzled for a while, "I'm going to do it, we sent the gauze skirt together, and I also lit the spices in front of you, don't say you didn't smell the fragrance."

When Liu Cheng heard this, her arrogance weakened a little, "I know all this...but why does that little bitch still look like nothing?"

This is exactly what Ye Huansha suspected, but she just said: "I heard that she seems to have participated in the college competition. Maybe she has good strength, so the poison was released relatively late."

Hearing this, Liu Cheng snorted coldly, but couldn't deny it, "That little bitch has indeed participated in the college battle..."


(End of this chapter)

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