Chapter 1912 Hack, Hack, Hack! !

Ye Huansha raised her eyebrows, and also took out a long sword from the ring space. She held the long sword and approached slowly like an orange.

"You monster, what do you want to do when you appear in front of this lady, I must act first..." Ye Huansha raised the long sword, and the long sword in her hand flashed a terrifying coldness under the sunlight .

The strong light was astonishing, and Liu Cheng subconsciously narrowed her eyes.

Ye Huansha sneered, raised her hand and swung the long sword down.


Liu Cheng's right arm was cut off unexpectedly.

"Ah, my arm..." Liu Cheng felt the pain and subconsciously covered her shoulder.

Holding the long sword, Ye Huansha stood on the spot and laughed loudly, "You monster, you have tasted the strength of this lady now, do you still dare to be a monster in front of this lady?"

The long sword in her hand was dripping blood, and in an instant, the smell of blood swept across the entire lake.

Ding Liufeng watched, and couldn't help covering his mouth, and his face turned pale, "How could this's so good, why did you cut off your arm?"

Baili Qinxue took a look, and couldn't help frowning. This is the symptom after the onset of toxicity, hacking each other?
It's interesting...

Baili Qinxue hooked her lips, and a gleam of interest flashed in her eyes.

The two of them usually don't see eye to eye, but today they are bold enough to attack each other, it's really interesting.

Liu Cheng covered the bleeding place, but no matter how much she covered the blood, she couldn't stop it. Liu Cheng gritted her teeth, and her cheeks were a little pale after losing too much blood.

"Monster, why aren't you moving? Do you want to surrender to me?" Ye Huansha looked down at her with mocking taunts in her eyes, but at this moment, another sense of dizziness came over her .

Ye Huansha shook her head, but the dizziness did not lessen. She bit her lip and froze in place.

Liu Cheng saw that she was standing still, she pursed her lips, and there was a sneer on her pale face.

"You monster, you cut off my arm, and I want to see your arm..." Liu Cheng stood up quickly, enduring the pain and rushed towards Ye Huansha.

There was only a swish, and Liu Cheng's long sword was so sharp that it directly chopped off Ye Huansha's arm.

Ye Huansha was taken aback for a moment, and was immediately stunned.

After reacting, she rolled on the ground in pain.

"It hurts, it hurts, my arm..." Ye Huansha kept wailing, and said ugly words, "You monster, I want you to die, how dare you cut my arm... ..."

Liu Cheng didn't know what she was muttering, so she held the blood-stained long sword and smiled wryly.

Ye Huansha gritted her teeth, endured the pain and stood up from the ground, "You bloody monster, I will definitely hack you to death today..."

After the words fell, she rushed up with the sword again.

Ding ding ding, bang bang bang.

After a few more sword strikes, Liu Cheng was slashed twice, and was blocked by her sword after a few more blows.

"Damn monster, you dare to hide, this lady will definitely kill you today." Ye Huansha frowned and said viciously.

Liu Cheng's eyes were vicious, and she also said viciously: "You monster, today either you or I will die, I must hack you to death."

Ding Ding Ding several times.

Once again, when the swords collided with each other, many students also reacted and turned their heads to look at it. When they saw it, they froze in place.

Why are there two bloody arms on the ground, why did Ye Huansha and Liu Cheng fight together with real knives and guns, and their arms were all cut off, bloody and terrible.

In a flash, the faces of the students turned pale.

"It's scary, what are they doing?"

"Hurry up and call the instructor, otherwise it will kill someone..."


(End of this chapter)

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