Chapter 1919 My poor little orange...

Zhao Yu pursed his lips and said with a grin: "Her daughter's arm was cut off, and unfortunately she will become a disabled person. He will naturally be worried."

Baili Qinxue nodded and said in agreement: "Second Master Liu only has this one daughter, and if he still expects her to find a rich and powerful husband-in-law in the future, he will definitely be very anxious."

After saying that, she looked forward, and saw many students coming in and out of the college hall, everyone's face was a little ugly, maybe they were frightened by the furious Second Master Liu.

Thinking of the angry look on Liu Erye's face, Baili Qinxue actually hooked her lips into a smile.

The four thieves couldn't wait any longer, they hurriedly said: "Boss, let's go to the main hall of the college to see the situation, look at the expressions of those students, I believe it must be very interesting, then Liu Erye might be so angry gone."

Zhao Yu and the others had sparkling eyes, obviously wanting to see it quickly.

Baili Qinxue smiled and said, "Since you want to go so much, let's go and have a look."

A group of people were extremely happy, but it was hard to show it. They kept their expressions away and walked towards the college hall expressionlessly.

There was a dead silence in the main hall of the college, as if covered by dark clouds.

A group of people stood in a corner and peeked, their appearances seemed extremely solemn.

In the middle of the main hall, Second Master Liu was negotiating with the instructors, his eyes were scarlet, and his face was stained with terrifying anger.

"What's the matter with your Xiling College? Didn't you say you went to swim in the lake? Why did my daughter come back from the lake..." Liu Erye bit his lip, his eyes were red, "My daughter is so pitiful, her arms are sore It was cut off, and at this moment, I am lying unconscious on the bed, you Xiling College must give me an explanation today."

He never thought that Liu Cheng, who was fine in the morning, turned into a disabled person at this moment.

He spent so much energy cultivating her, will it be in vain in the end?
Second Master Liu bit his lip, the more he thought about it, the more he became unwilling, and in the end he also hated everyone in the academy.

When the students heard the words, they stood aside and dared not speak.

The instructors saw that Liu Erye had a bad attitude, but they didn't say anything because her daughter was injured and unconscious.

"You talk, why don't you talk, my daughter is still in a coma, why don't you give me an explanation?" Liu Erye was furious.

The instructors sighed, and then said: "Second Master Liu, please don't get excited. Instructor Xuanyuan and Instructor Dugu are checking it out. Later, we will know why the two ladies became like that."

Second Master Liu was furious, "There's nothing to investigate, it must be a trick that you Xiling College came up with, and in the end, you actually made my daughter look like that..."

The tutors got angry when they heard this, "Second Master Liu, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately."

The students also said angrily: "It was Liu Cheng and Ye Huansha who started the fight. We went up to persuade them to attack us. In the end, we even injured the tutor. You should be grateful to Dade for not caring about these things."

When Second Master Liu heard this, his face turned blue with anger, "You unruly students, how dare you talk like that..."

The students snorted, seeing Erye Liu becoming more and more displeased.

Sensing the dissatisfaction of the students, Second Master Liu was very bored here. This group of stinky students is hateful.

Not long after, Xuanyuan Po and Dugu Sheng came out from the inner hall.

When the students saw them coming out, they looked sideways as if seeing the backbone.

Second Master Liu couldn't wait to step forward and asked, "Teachers, how is the investigation going? Is my daughter really poisoned?"


(End of this chapter)

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