Chapter 1929 Mr. Ding, is he okay?

When Second Master Liu heard this, his face immediately turned green. How could this Baili Qinxue be so arrogant?
"You..." Liu Erye pointed at her nose excitedly, and said, "Baili Qinxue, you actually said such a thing, don't you take me seriously?"

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows in surprise, and said: "I'm just talking about the facts and telling the truth. I can't help Liu Erye if he wants to think so. Besides, it was Liu Erye who slandered me first, and you don't seem to be bothered." Put me in your eyes."

Liu Erye suddenly widened his eyes, a little doll, still wants him to put her in his eyes, dreaming.

Just as he was about to speak, he was interrupted by Baili Qinxue, "I am also the head of the Baili family, if Liu Erye wants to slander me, please show evidence first."

Only then did Second Master Liu realize that this little girl was actually the Patriarch of Baili, and her status was considered honorable.

He paused for a moment, but the sharpness in his tone did not fade away. He said, "My Xiaocheng is the evidence. She personally identified you. Could there be any mistakes?"

"Based on one-sided words, of course there is a mistake." Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, her eyes were deep with a bit of shock, "She has already broken her arm, maybe she is just angry and wants to find someone to back her up?"

Hearing this, Erye Liu's face turned even greener.

This woman is really eloquent, which makes her more and more annoying.

A thud.

Liu Cheng got up from the bed, and fell to the ground without paying attention.

"Baili Qinxue, you are talking nonsense. You must be the one who poisoned us. Otherwise, why are we all poisoned and you are the only one who is still standing?" Qinxue died immediately.

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, and couldn't help but sneered: "Miss Liu, are you confused? What do you mean I am the only one who is fine, and Mr. Ding is also fine?"

Ding Liufeng was also invited by the mentors, and he stood aside at the moment, frowning and not speaking.

Hearing this, Liu Cheng couldn't help being stunned, "Master Ding, is he alright?"

She thought that something happened to Ding Liufeng, but unexpectedly, he was still fine. She originally wanted to pull Baili Qinxue into the water, but now, it seems a bit difficult.

Liu Cheng bit the corner of her mouth angrily.

However, after thinking about it, she also felt that today's incident must have something to do with Baili Qinxue, otherwise, how could she and Ye Huansha be poisoned for no reason? This poison was obviously intended for Baili Qinxue.

Liu Cheng gritted his teeth and stared at her.

Under her gaze, Baili Qinxue slowly spoke again: "Young Master Ding is standing at the side, if you look up, you will know that he is also unscathed."

Liu Cheng looked up, and the anger in her eyes gradually increased.

"How did this happen? I thought Mr. Ding also..." Liu Cheng bit her lip and muttered to herself.

Ding Liufeng yelled impatiently, and said: "Yes, I am indeed fine, you don't want to say that the incident of your poisoning is related to me, do you want to say that Baili Qinxue and I joined forces of?"

Damn, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't be with Liu Cheng and the others.

The blessing was not enjoyed, but it caused a commotion.

Liu Cheng was startled, shook her head quickly and said: "How could Mr. Ding do such a thing, it must be Baili Qinxue, she has long disliked us."

"Then I slipped through the net?" Ding Liufeng sneered, the more he looked at Liu Cheng, the more he hated him.

Liu Cheng bit her lip, and said cautiously: "Baili Qinxue didn't poison you, she must be trying to hide it, so that no one will suspect her, it's just extremely cunning."


(End of this chapter)

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