Chapter 196 I Know You Like This Pill Stove

"Huh?" Dugu Sheng tugged at her sleeves excitedly, and asked, "Sister, tell me quickly, how did you threaten it?"

"When I talked to it, it was frightened and stupid. Just like the second fire back then, it lost all its arrogance and kept trying to please it." Baili Qinxue sneered, "However, it was not particularly willing at first, so I just He threatened it that if he didn't want to, he would let Erhuo bully it to death. Erhuo is an eighth-level high-level monster that is more than enough to deal with it. Hearing this, he was frightened again..."

"Then, you just obeyed your sister?" Dugu Sheng's eyes sparkled, his sister was too powerful.

"That's right." Baili Qinxue nodded.

"This victory came easily and easily. If that woman knew the reason behind it, she would be so angry that she wanted to hit the wall, haha..." Dugu Sheng kept laughing while clutching his stomach, and lowered his voice a little for fear of being heard by Zhao Yu and the others.

"It was our stinky bear who won..." It took Zhao Yu a long time to wake up.

Wei Nanzi also opened his eyes wide and still didn't believe it. He is obviously a hateful and stupid dog. How can he beat a wolf? It's unbelievable. He needs to be quiet.

"It's amazing." Lin Wanwan's eyes flickered, "The victory and defeat have been decided, are you going to give us a lot of treasures?"

Zhao Yu slapped his forehead, and only then did he think about the business. He looked at Liu Cheng and said, "Miss Liu, since the outcome has been decided, should we keep our promise and give us the bet?"

Liu Cheng froze, only then did she realize that the bet was astonishingly high, not only did she lose all the things in space, but she also brought a good alchemy furnace.

She bit her lip and almost fainted.

"What's wrong with Miss Liu?" Zhao Yuming asked knowingly.

"There is no difficulty." Liu Cheng gritted her teeth and became ruthless, she took out all the things in the interspatial ring, and attached an alchemy furnace, she gritted her teeth and said: "Everything is here, I am willing to bet The people will never miss you."

As soon as the words fell, she took Xue'er in.

"Miss Liu, don't get excited, we don't mean that." Zhao Yu still had a playful smile on his face.

Thinking of all her treasures being lost, Liu Cheng felt her blood surging, wishing to use force to snatch them all back. Some treasures were won just now, and she hasn't warmed them up yet, damn it!
She staggered away from the Colosseum, visibly shocked.

"Let's divide these things up soon." The steward ordered someone to bring up these good things, and Zhao Yu smiled and said that he wanted to divide the spoils after receiving them.

When Liu Cheng heard this, she almost turned her foot. She was heartbroken, but they were happily sharing the spoils.

Lin Wanwan rushed forward first, hugging Yuanling spar and Xuantie in his arms and refusing to let go, "These are mine, I want to use them to practice..."

"Don't worry, no one will snatch you." Zhao Yu gave her the remaining Yuanling spar.

Lin Wanwan took it happily.

"Azi, you can take whatever you want, little girl." Zhao Yu pointed to the pile of things, which contained pills, weapons, a space ring, and some gold coins.

Wei Nanzi didn't have any interest in these things, so he just took a few pills and threw them into the space.

Baili Qinxue looked at those pills, they were all low-grade, the quality was only about 60% worse than hers, she couldn't look down on them, she turned her head to the alchemy furnace, her eyes lit up slightly.

"Little sister, I knew you liked this alchemy furnace." Zhao Yu threw the alchemy furnace to her, "I saw you staring at the alchemy furnace in a daze just now, and your expression is exactly the same as when a stupid girl saw a chicken leg."


(End of this chapter)

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