Chapter 2000 The eyes are so good!

He wouldn't say that he came out because he was worried about the safety of this woman.

No, he absolutely can't say, this woman will definitely die of embarrassment.

Seeing that his cheeks were slightly red, Baili Qinxue might have guessed the purpose of his trip, she blinked her eyes full of interest: "Are you telling the truth?"

This provocative tone made Dugu Sheng jump straight away.

He grabbed a handful of hair and said irritably: "Of course it's true, you woman, don't think about anything weird."

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, "You must be thinking of something weird."

Dugu Sheng was swallowed and stopped talking.

The stinky bear glanced at him, his eyes filled with contempt.

Stupid humans, dare to fight with the great summoner, don't you want to live?
Dugu Sheng raised his eyebrows, he felt that he was despised by a dog.

For no reason, he suddenly seemed to kill the dog.

"Give me this dog." Dugu Sheng pointed at the stinky bear, exuding a murderous look all over his body.

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, "What do you want to do?"

Dugu Sheng licked the corner of his lips, and said without any concealment: "I don't know why, I think this dog is a little upset, and it happens to be a little hungry, so let's kill this dog for dinner."

When the stinky bear heard it, its hair stood on end.

It was summoned by the Master Summoner, and this bad man bullied it again, blah blah.

Baili Qinxue shook Dugu Sheng's palm, and soft words fell into his ears, "Don't make trouble, this is Lin Wanwan's pet, if you kill it, Lin Wanwan will cry."

The palm held by her had a strange softness, which was unbelievable.

Dugu Sheng swallowed, completely immersed in this softness, so much so that he forgot to kill the stinky bear.

"Let's go, Lin Wanwan and the others may be in a hurry." Baili Qinxue spoke again, and the clear and pleasant voice immediately brought back Dugu Sheng's thoughts.

Dugu Sheng coughed lightly.

Damn, I was confused by this woman again.

Dugu Sheng walked back with a sullen face.

Baili Qinxue glanced at him, seeing that he was angry, she couldn't help but purse her lips.

This kid is getting more and more stingy, just angry if he doesn't let him kill the stinky bear?

The two returned to the pagoda together, and the sharp-eyed Zhao Yu soon spotted them and the stinky bear in their arms.

"Little sister, you guys are really capable. You actually brought back the stinky bear." Zhao Yu stood up and took the stinky bear from their hands.

The stinky bear lay lazily in Zhao Yu's arms, refusing to move.

Lin Wanwan stood up, touched the stinky bear's head, and said, "Idiot, they will be caught by them..."

Smelly Gouxiong pulled his ears down, a little afraid to see people.

Hey, as a monster, it has failed too much, and it will be caught by a group of tiny humans, damn it...

"Well, it's okay, you're back." Lin Wanwan curled his lips and stroked its fur gently.

Smelly Gouxiong narrowed his eyes, enjoying himself very much.

"Little sister, how did you find out the intentions of those three people?" Zhao Yu hurriedly asked.

Baili Qinxue took a look at Qin Ge and said, "Qin Ge said that they are mean and might kidnap people around us, including pets. I just observed their expressions and saw that they were looking at stinky bears. The eyes were a bit malicious, I thought about it, and then I stared at them."

Qin Ge, who was named, took a look at her and smiled, "Miss Baili has really nice eyes."


(End of this chapter)

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