Chapter 2002

The referee muttered to himself, what about the No. [-] contestant, did he abstain?
What a disappointment.

Cyclops looked calm, but laughed in his heart.

I was hurt by that stinky woman and man just now, and now I can finally get it back from someone else. Thinking about it, I am really happy, and I still won without a fight, haha.

"Since Niu Er has abstained, it is..." Before the referee finished speaking, Wei Nanzi had already arrived on the field.

Cyclops was just immersed in joy, when he saw that someone had entered the stage, his face immediately turned blue.

Fuck off, he's about to win, what is this idiot doing here?
"You are Niu Er?" The referee looked him up and down, but he didn't expect this Niu Er to have such a vulgar name, but he looks very good. It's a pity to be called such a vulgar name.

Wei Nanzi frowned, who is Niu Er?

"I'm not Niu Er." He raised his eyes and said softly.

The referee frowned and asked, "You're not Niu Er, so what are you doing here?"

Wei Nanzi pointed to Cyclops, and said firmly: "Although I am not the second bull, but I want to fight with Cyclops, there is no rule in your arena, right?"

The referee thought about it for a while and nodded hurriedly.

Seeing this, Wei Nanzi could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The referee saw Wei Nanzi's extraordinary demeanor, and the aura exuding from his body was also astonishing, so he hurriedly asked, "Then can you tell me your name?"

Wei Nanzi reported his name, "Weinan Zi."

Wei Nanzi... the referee muttered to himself, and couldn't help being startled.

The group of them was directly promoted to the [-]th floor, and they are very powerful.

Haha, this competition is worth seeing.

"Okay, then you can start the game." The referee said a little excitedly.

Wei Nanzi nodded, and never looked at the referee again.

The referee didn't get angry either, and stepped aside.

Cyclops bit his lip, and gave Wei Nanzi an ugly look, "Boy, you're sick. I'm going to win, but you dare to spoil my good deed..."

Wei Nanzi raised her eyebrows, but said nothing.

Cyclops frowned, looking Wei Nanzi up and down.

I always feel that this kid is very familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere.

Cyclops held his chin, tried to recall, and finally... Cyclops' eyes lit up, and a wicked and evil smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Isn't this kid with that couple?
If the couple can't beat them, then take revenge on this kid.

The one-eyed dragon licked the corners of his lips, and an evil light shone in his eyes.

So excited to get revenge right away lol.

"Let's start fighting." Cyclops hooked his finger at him, which was very provocative.

Wei Nanzi's mentality is still very good, and she may not be excited.

With a flash in his eyes, he threw a big fireball directly at Cyclops.

The one-eyed dragon suddenly widened his eyes.


It turned out to be a fire magician, and the fire magic was so powerful and hot that it seemed to burn the air wherever it passed.

However, the magician's biggest weakness is that he is relatively weak in melee combat. As long as he can get into that kid's side, he only needs to take a little action, and he can win, haha.

The one-eyed dragon laughed loudly, and with a dodge, narrowly escaped Wei Nanzi's attack.

With a single step, he ran towards Wei Nanzi.

Wei Nanzi had seen through his actions a long time ago, the fireball in his palm continued to condense, and in an instant, it shot straight in all directions.


The one-eyed dragon just froze, and hurriedly paused.


(End of this chapter)

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