Chapter 2009 Get out of our sight!
The cripple slapped the transparent barrier in panic, "Let me out, Mr. Dugu Sheng..."

He was completely trapped, the situation was so weird and terrifying, it made people feel like they were on the verge of death, and he couldn't understand what Dugu Sheng was saying at all.

The lame man lay limp on the ground, and some wet liquid seemed to flow out of his crotch.

Dugu Sheng glanced at it, and his face immediately turned black.

This guy actually peed out, so weak...

After meeting Dugu Sheng's gaze, the cripple shivered even more, "Master Dugu Sheng, let me out, I won't dare to think of you again."

This formation was set up by Dugu Sheng, so he naturally understood what the cripple was saying.

It's really useless, begging for mercy just like that?


Dugu Sheng narrowed his eyes, and moved his fingertips. In an instant, iron chains protruded from the formation, swaying in mid-air, and the sound of iron chains rubbing echoed in the lame man's ears.

The cripple swallowed, only to feel that the iron chain in mid-air seemed to be killing him, which made his breathing even more depressing.

"Master Dugu Sheng, what on earth are you trying to do..." The cripple crawled to the edge of the barrier, frightened and begged bitterly, "I really don't dare anymore, let me go."

Dugu Sheng played with his fingertips, unmoved.

The lame burst into tears.

Dugu Sheng frowned, as if he was a little annoyed, he moved his fingertips again, and saw that all the chains were attacking the lame man, and in the blink of an eye, the lame man was trapped by the chains.

At this time...

The referee and the audience burst into screams.

"Ah, no wonder the crippled player couldn't move. It turned out that Dugu Sheng set up the formation for him." The referee shook his eyes and shouted excitedly, "This is the first time I have seen such an exquisite formation. I wonder if the lame player can break through?"

Dugu Sheng glanced at the referee amusedly.

The referee was confused by his eyes, and was taken aback.

Dugu Sheng put his hand between his lips, and said with a smile: "This is the lowest-level formation, but he is not even as good as the lowest-level formation..."

Hearing this, the referee laughed dryly, "It seems that player Dugu Sheng is quite confident."

Damn, this man is not only confident, but also has terrifying eyes.

The referee swallowed, trying to avoid Dugu Sheng's gaze.

As if Dugu Sheng didn't realize it, he fiddled with his fingers again.

In an instant, the cripple in the formation was made to swing around by the chains, almost foaming at the mouth and fainting.

Dugu Sheng raised his eyebrows, as if a little boring.

"Master Dugu Sheng, please forgive me..." the cripple begged for mercy with his last breath.

Dugu Sheng narrowed his eyebrows and slowly removed the chain.

Without the restraint of the chain, the lame fell directly to the ground.

"Ahem..." He kept coughing, his face pale and frightening, "I'm alive, haha..."

I thought I was going to die, and scared him to death.

With a wave of Dugu Sheng's hand, he removed the formation. He waved at the lame man, and said in a lack of interest, "You, come here."

When the cripple heard this, he peed again in fright, "You let me pass? But, there are barriers around, so I can't pass..."

Dugu Sheng picked his ears, and said impatiently: "I've already canceled it, come here quickly."

When the cripple heard this, a smile appeared in his eyes, and he crawled over with a smile.

"Master Dugu Sheng, what are your orders?"

His legs were weak and he couldn't stand up, so he had to crawl.

Dugu Sheng narrowed his eyes, and said teasingly, "From now on, get out of our sight."


(End of this chapter)

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