Chapter 2031 You are really not bad!

Dugu Sheng looked at Cang Molian.

He doesn't know what battle games are not.

He only knew that he looked at this Cang Molian extremely disliked, always put on a look of staying away from the hustle and bustle, so boring/coquettish, really annoying.

Moreover, after seeing Cang Molian for the first time, he really wanted to fight him.

Dugu Sheng folded his arms around his chest, and a flamboyant and charming smile bloomed at the corner of his mouth, "Actually, I also really want to fight with you, and today's wish is fulfilled for both of us."

Cang Molian looked calm, but there seemed to be a faint scar on the corner of her mouth, "Yes, my wish has been fulfilled, so I must have a good fight."

Dugu Sheng curled his lips, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more open, "As you wish."

Cang Molian looked at him fixedly, but didn't speak.

In an instant, an astonishing coercion flowed from the two of them. It was... the coercion from the strong, which made it hard to breathe.

The referee's feet went limp, and he slumped on the ground, unable to move.

The audience also seemed to feel their coercion. They covered their chests and felt an uncomfortable feeling all over their bodies.

This is the coercion that comes from feeling...


Just then...

The aura of the two of them was withdrawn in an instant, but soon they were fighting together again.

A red dress fluttered, and a green shirt fluttered. In an instant, a charming landscape was outlined. The referee got up from the ground, and he jumped straight out of the field, but his eyes kept lingering on the two of them.

Ahhh, their speed is so fast, every move is dazzling, and it is impossible to see how they make a move. The referee tightly squeezed his collar, and his heart seemed to jump out of excitement.

The hearts of the audience were also raised in their throats.

The duel between masters is really attractive.

Not long after, the two figures, one red and one green, separated suddenly, and the two stood on one side, looking at each other from afar again.

"I knew it, you are very powerful." Cang Molian's eyes flashed, and she sighed in a low voice.

Dugu Sheng lifted his chin slightly, and said with a smile, "You're not bad either."

The referee looked at the two of them in disbelief.

They were clearly fighting together just now, and the fight was super fierce, but why, they didn't have any wounds on their bodies, not even a trace of embarrassment?
As if they weren't the ones fighting together just now, could it be that Ling Lie's tricks just now couldn't hurt them in the slightest?
The referee couldn't help swallowing.

Oh my god, this is really scary, a master, this is a master.

Cang Molian squinted his eyes, and the lotus shape on his forehead seemed to be filled with beautiful winks. In an instant, there seemed to be a lingering taste, and he condensed fire magic in his hands.

In an instant, scorching and pure flames enveloped the entire arena.

Seeing this, the referee almost died of excitement.

This is the magic flame of President Cang Molian, it is so pure, if you can see it once in this life, you will die without regret.

The referee's starry eyes were shining, and he was completely taken away by Cang Molian.

Dugu Sheng looked at the scorching fire in his hand, his eyes narrowed involuntarily.

Cang Molian waved her sleeves, and in an instant, a clear and clear dragon roar sounded above Dugu Sheng's head, and then, a shadow suddenly appeared above her head.

Dugu Sheng raised his eyes subconsciously, and a majestic golden dragon instantly came into his eyes.

The golden dragon breathed out its scorching breath, and its majestic appearance was frightening.

The corners of Dugu Sheng's lips curled up, fearlessly, "You can even transform into a golden dragon by magic, you really are not bad..."


(End of this chapter)

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