Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 2035 It's going to make a lot of money again haha!

Chapter 2035 It's going to make a lot of money again haha!
As soon as the referee's voice fell, the audience immediately boiled up.

That Dugu Sheng player is super powerful.

That player Baili Qinxue was not bad at all.

If the two of them were to wrestle together, who would win?

The audience huddled together and whispered.

The referee squeezed the corner of his clothes tightly, and the blood in his heart became more intense.

Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng looked at each other, both of them had a very eager light in their eyes.

Finally, they were about to win the final duel, but they didn't expect that the final opponents would be each other, Baili Qinxue licked the corners of her lips, and the smile in her eyes became more intense.

"I didn't expect it to be the two of us in the end." Baili Qinxue looked at him with clear eyes.

Dugu Sheng also curled up his lips, his eyes sparkled, and his spirit was high, "Yeah, I really didn't expect that, but I don't want to fight with you..."

For some reason, he just didn't want to fight this woman.

Subconsciously, he wanted to protect this woman, and he didn't want her to suffer any harm, even if he didn't allow it. He still doesn't know what kind of emotion this is.

Baili Qinxue glanced at him, spread her palms, and said helplessly, "Actually, I don't want to fight with you either..."

Dugu Sheng was immediately happy, raised his legs and said: "Then don't fight, anyway, we all have the same magical water, and you will give it to me if you get it, right?"

Baili Qinxue raised her lips, her eyes brightened, she was really pretty, "Yes, of course I will give it to you."

It was for the miraculous water that she came to this pagoda.

Dugu Sheng spread his hands, and said again: "That's it, if you want to win then, I'll win for you."

Baili Qinxue laughed, but said nothing.

At this moment……

Everyone in the arena started betting.

"Come on, come on, buy it and leave." A man who looked like a gambler shouted: "The final will start tomorrow, start betting now, are you betting on Dugu Sheng or Baili Qinxue? ?”

This seems to be a custom in the pagoda. As long as the final competition starts, this kind of gambling will appear. Of course, the gold coins that win the bet are also very generous.

This kind of half-and-half chance will of course attract many people to bet.

"Contestant Dugu Sheng, if he can defeat Cang Molian from the Northern Continent, he must be super powerful. I bet on Contestant Dugu Sheng to win."

"I also bet on Dugu Sheng..."

"I bet too..."

A group of people bet on Dugu Sheng to win one after another, but Baili Qinxue's side seemed much deserted.

Baili Qinxue looked at her, her brows furrowed, and the corners of her mouth twitched, "I didn't expect you to be so popular, everyone bet on you to win, and there is not even a single person on my side."

Dugu Sheng raised his eyebrows and smiled extraordinarily rippling, "They all saw my strength and thought I was stronger, haha..."

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, and her face turned ugly again, "Go ahead and yell."

Dugu Sheng snorted, but did not speak.

Baili Qinxue looked at the people who kept betting, her eyes rolled, and in an instant, her eyes lit up.

"Big Baozi, I thought of a good way to make money."

Dugu Sheng looked at her strangely, and asked, "What way?"

Baili Qinxue raised her lips, her eyes sparkled, "Aren't they betting, aren't they betting on you to win? Let's also bet on me to win. When I really win, won't I be able to earn a lot? "

They all bet on Dugu Sheng to win, and when the time comes, they will make a lot of money again, haha.


(End of this chapter)

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