Chapter 2038 Out of control, big bun?
Dugu Sheng's lips curled up, and he replied, "Okay."

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips again, and the flames reflected on her face, making her a bit brighter and more attractive.

She squinted her eyes and cast the fire magic in her hand at the right time.

In an instant, when the weapons collided, a blaze struck Dugu Sheng. The blaze was hot and pure, with a frightening icy aura, as if it could burn people into charcoal.

Everyone looked at it and couldn't help being stunned. They would definitely die if they were touched by that blaze, that Dugu Sheng was finished.

Ahhh, their gold coins.

Their golden coins.

Just when everyone was weeping and mourning, the fire had already cast directly on Dugu Sheng's body.

There was only a bang, and big pits exploded on the ground, and countless smoke and dust drifted out immediately. When the smoke dissipated, they stared forward with wide eyes. When they saw it, they froze in place, with suppressed expressions on their faces. He couldn't stop laughing in surprise.

Haha, Dugu Sheng is actually fine, he is still standing safely in the arena, his whole body is extremely tall and straight, like a vigorous pine and cypress.

It's so funny that he's still unscathed from the fireball being so powerful.

Everyone looked at it and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Baili Qinxue frowned as she looked at Dugu Sheng who was standing upright.

Didn't he say that when the fireball was thrown, he took the opportunity to pretend to admit defeat?
Why, he still stood straight, without the slightest intention of retreating, did he forget, or did he have other secrets?
Baili Qinxue looked at Dugu Sheng, and suddenly felt a bad premonition in her heart. For some reason, she always felt that Dugu Sheng was a little strange. What was the specific strangeness...

She couldn't tell why.

"Big bun, do you still want to fight with me?" Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows and said cryptically, "Didn't you just say that you want to end it early? Why are you still in a stalemate with me?"

Dugu Sheng raised his head, his dark eyes were like a black hole, deep and dull, dead and empty, like a puppet without thinking or feeling.

Baili Qinxue suddenly widened her eyes.

Such Dugu Sheng...

It was completely different from the Dugu Sheng she knew.

Baili Qinxue swallowed her saliva, now she finally knew what was strange about Dugu Sheng, it was his eyes.

Those eyes were empty like ghosts, which made people feel frightened.

"Hey, what's wrong with you, big bun?" Baili Qinxue frowned, and asked cautiously, "Look at me, do you still know who I am?"

When Dugu Sheng heard the voice, he turned his head and gave Baili Qinxue a dull look, without saying anything, but Baili Qinxue was slightly startled by the terrifying murderous intent in his eyes.

murderous look?
Does Big Baozi want to kill her?

Baili Qinxue took a step back suddenly, the overwhelming murderous aura made her a little out of breath.

what is this?
Dugu Sheng, who was fine just now, turned into this hollow appearance, like a devil being controlled by someone...

Wait, it's under control...

Baili Qinxue grasped this word immediately, thinking about it, could it be that the man used the magical water to attract them, and designed to control Dugu Sheng, the purpose was to...

Let them kill each other?

Baili Qinshuo's eyes widened suddenly, startled by this thought.

Who on earth would do such a cruel and boring thing?
In a corner of the room, a man in purple was rubbing the crystal ball. His figure was completely hidden in the darkness. Looking at the scene on the crystal ball, his lips curled up involuntarily.

"Next, let me watch a feast of cannibalism, I hope it will be interesting, Summoner."


(End of this chapter)

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