Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 2057 A town with vulgar folk customs!

Chapter 2057 A town with vulgar folk customs!
Baili Qinxue took a look at him, and couldn't help laughing: "Be patient for a while, after a few days we get the number to go out, and it will be fine."

Dugu Sheng sighed, then nodded and said: "This is the only way to go now."

The two stood outside the small town for a while, and then walked in swaggeringly. Once inside, the whole town looked at them, their eyes full of vigilance and killing intent.

The two looked at them calmly, without any other expressions on their faces.

They are newcomers, so don't make trouble.

Baili Qinxue tugged on Dugu Sheng's sleeve, and also signaled him not to act rashly.

Dugu Sheng was a little ready to move, but when he heard Baili Qinxue's warning, he immediately suppressed the anger in his heart.

Baili Qinxue heaved a sigh of relief, and turned her head to look at the small town in front of her. The sky was still full of yellow sand, and there were also some small shops in the town that sold all kinds of sundries. Come to think of it, this barren land Nothing good, it would be nice to have something to sell.

Baili Qinxue looked sideways at the people around her again.

They were all people in rags and sackcloth, men and women, with malice and vigilance all over their bodies, and some even released their coercion.

It seems that the two of them are not welcome.

Baili Qinxue didn't have to worry about it. When the competition started, they would leave as soon as they got the house number. The most important thing now was to find a place to live.

"I really want to gouge out those people's eyeballs." Dugu Sheng lowered his voice, gritted his teeth.

Baili Qinxue tugged at the hem of his clothes, and also whispered: "Don't be impulsive, if you want to teach them a lesson, just wait until the competition starts, we should find an inn to stay now."

Since there are small shops in this place, there must be an inn.

Dugu Sheng was like a cat with fried hair, after being soothed by Baili Qinxue, his mood improved a lot.

"Then let's go to the inn first." Dugu Sheng smiled and took her hand, his eyes were as bright as fireflies.

Baili Qinxue also laughed, and the two walked towards the depths of the town.

When they walked away, the people in the town couldn't help murmuring.

"The two of them look unfamiliar, they can't be new here, right?"

"The competition to snatch the house number will start in a few days. Now, it is really troublesome to have two more people in the way."

"The house number is snatched once every ten years, and I will definitely get it this year. I don't want to stay in this ghostly place any longer."

"Do you think we think, who wants to stay in such a ghostly place..."

Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng have good ears, even if they are far away, they can still hear what they are saying.

"Snatching the house number is actually done once in ten years..." Baili Qinxue couldn't help but twitched her mouth, "Should I say that the person who sent us in is also humane, and he chose such a good day, otherwise, we have to Wait ten years?"

After hearing this, Dugu Sheng's face turned dark.

ten years……

Ten years in this hellish place, he'll go crazy.

"After I get out, I must find out what's going on..." Dugu Sheng growled.

Baili Qinxue smiled, and when she looked up, she saw the inn right in front of her.

"The Big Bun Inn is here, let's go in." Baili Qinxue pulled Dugu Sheng in.

As soon as they entered, the two were startled by the situation in the inn.

Those men and women in the inn were actually naked, facing each other frankly, and still doing that kind of messy thing.

In an instant, an unpleasant smell spread in the small inn.

God, don't the men and women here have no shame?


(End of this chapter)

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