Chapter 2059 Gold coins are useless!

At this time, the men and women who were playing also stopped their movements and looked at the two with idiots.

"Haha, I heard you right, they actually said gold coins."

"It's true that they are talking about gold coins. The two of them look strange, so they should be newcomers."

"New here? No wonder he looks ignorant..."

"Leave them alone, let's do happy things again."

"Yeah, it's great..."

For a while, the sound of babbling and screaming sounded again, filling people's eardrums.

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes.

Dugu Sheng looked straight at Xiao Er with sharp eyes and a terrified aura, "Is there something wrong?"

Xiao Er was taken aback by his aura, but seeing that he immediately put away his aura again, Xiao Er thought it was an illusion, so he couldn't help being a little more arrogant, he sneered and said, "Gold coins are the least expensive coins in this small town. Valuable things, it’s useless for us to hold those gold coins, it’s better to get some real things.”

Baili Qinxue understood that they didn't want gold coins, they wanted things.

"For example, what?" The corners of her lips curled up, and a cold look flashed in her eyes.

Xiao Er looked them up and down, and saw that they were wearing coarse linen clothes, with a stupid and ugly appearance, probably they didn't have any valuable things on them.

However, they just came in from the outside, so they shouldn't be that poor.

Xiao Er rubbed his fingers and said with an evil smile: "No, there will be a house number competition these days. It couldn't be better."

It turned out that I wanted these things...

Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng looked at each other and couldn't help but sneer.

A waiter in a shop has a really big appetite.

These things happen to be in her space, and there are a lot of them, but...

Those things of hers are all good treasures. If you take out any one at random, you might be targeted by these greedy people, and it will be easy to handle by then.

Baili Qinxue tapped her palms lightly, and couldn't help but chuckled, "I don't have those things you said, but I have some herbs on me, the kind of herbs used for refining medicine, is that okay?"


Xiao Er was a little disgusted when he heard it, and he doesn't know how to make medicine, so what do you need herbs for?
However, there is such a good alchemist in their town, he can use herbs in exchange for some pills.

Thinking about it this way, a smile appeared on Xiaoer's face again, and he said: "It's not impossible to talk about herbs, how many herbs do you have on your body, and what level are they?"

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, greedy for things.

"I don't have many medicinal herbs on me, they are all low-level." Baili Qinxue pretended to take out a cloth bag from her body, and immediately took out a cloth bag. She opened the cloth bag, and the low-level medicinal herbs inside were reflected in Xiaoer in the eyes.

Xiao Er looked at it, and couldn't help being a little dissatisfied.

It turned out to be low-level, the number is still so small, but it looks quite fresh.

Xiao Er kept fiddling with the herbs, seeing Dugu Sheng frown again.

This Xiaoer is so annoying, I really want to kill him.

"Xiao Er, how long do you think these herbs can stay for me?" Baili Qinxue asked patiently, and left as soon as she got the house number.

Xiao Er smacked his lips and said, "These garbage herbs can live here for five or six days at most. After five or six days, if you can't get anything decent, go to sleep in the yellow sand."

This little girl is really arrogant...

Dugu Sheng couldn't help clenching his fists, he must kill this thing before going back.


(End of this chapter)

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