Chapter 2061 Food is scarce!
At night, there were bursts of howling ghosts and howling wolves from outside the wing room.

The two of them were a little hungry after sitting in the room for a long time. They stood up and prepared to go out to find something to eat.

Baili Qinxue rubbed her stomach. If she had known this would happen, she should have prepared more food in the space. Those grapes were not very hungry at all.

When the two walked out of the room, they saw that the men and women outside had already finished playing, and they had already put on their clothes. They looked quite serious, but the premise was to ignore the lust/desire in their eyes.

When the two of them came out, all the men and women in the inn cast their gazes, and they were all naked and vigilant.

That's right, everyone in this small town is a competitor, let alone this newcomer just now.

Dugu Sheng squeezed his palms secretly, the expressions of these people made people extremely uncomfortable.

Baili Qinxue looked straight ahead and ignored these people.

"Xiao Er, what do you eat here?" Baili Qinxue turned to look at Xiao Er who was hitting flies at the counter.

Xiao Er looked bored, and only after hearing Baili Qinxue's voice, he cast his gaze over, "There is nothing to eat in this barren land, but there are plants like cactus. The juice is used as water, and the pulp is fried to eat, there are sometimes monsters in the yellow sand outside the town, and if you hunt monsters, you will have meat to eat, but, are you two willing to exchange anything for food?"

Fried cactus?

Cactus juice as water?

Warcraft meat sounds pretty good...

Baili Qinxue glanced at him, and said again: "Then what do you eat in the inn tonight?"

The child put his arms around his chest and said triumphantly: "Today we have cactus soup and fried cactus, do you two want some?"

Hearing what he said, did he not hunt a monster?

Baili Qinxue turned her head and looked around, seeing that those men and women were eating cactus, the green ones didn't know how they tasted, but they were enjoying themselves.

"Food is in short supply in the barren land." Xiaoer lowered his eyebrows and smiled, and said arrogantly again: "The food is much more expensive than the hotel, and you have to pay at least three times more than the hotel to eat herbs." pause."

Three times as many low-level herbs?
The waiter in this shop really has a good heart. Although she has a lot of herbs, she never wants to give them to such a greedy person.

"That's it..." Baili Qinxue spread her palms and said, "We don't have so many herbs on us anymore, so we can just go outside and find some to eat."

Xiaoer sneered, "So you are poor, don't blame me for not reminding you, the food here is very scarce, if you can't find it and starve to death, don't be resentful."

Instead of getting angry, Baili Qinxue smiled and said, "Don't thank you for reminding us, we won't hate you."

After saying that, he left with Dugu Sheng Juechen.

Xiao Er looked at their backs and couldn't help snorting.

Thought it would make a lot of money, it turned out to be two useless paupers, curse them for not being able to find a little food, starve to death, lol.

After going out, the two felt that the temperature at night was much colder than that during the day.

It's so cold, it smells like winter.

Baili Qinxue couldn't help shrinking her body, but at least she was someone who had cultivated battle qi, and this temperature wouldn't make it difficult for them to move forward.

The two quickly left the town and arrived outside the yellow sand.

The sky was full of yellow sand, and in this cold and dark night, he became more and more unscrupulous.

The two of them fixedly looked forward, and there was yellow sand directly in front of them, and they didn't see anything at all, not to mention monsters, and they couldn't even see a cactus.

"Food is really scarce..." Baili Qinxue dragged her chin.


(End of this chapter)

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