Chapter 207 Rock Guessing Conference
Ding Jingtai would still glance at Baili Qinxue from time to time.

Dugu Sheng felt uncomfortable, and almost jumped up to block Ding Jingtai's sight, Baili Qinxue pinned him quickly, and said softly: "Little Baozi, you shouldn't be too arbitrary on this occasion, so as not to let idlers talk about it. "

Dugu Sheng pouted, trying to kill him with his eyes, but unfortunately the bamboo hat covered his face, Ding Jingtai couldn't see his little eyes clearly.

"Fourth Master Long, I wonder if it will be the same as before, there will be a stone guessing meeting?" Second Master Liu toasted Fourth Master Long with a glass of wine, and he asked after drinking the glass.

Fourth Master Long drank a few cups of spirits, his face was reddish, and he seemed a little drunk, he said: "This is a common practice in previous years, and this year I got a few top-quality stones by chance, just to give you a guess." Guess."

Fourth Master Long clapped his hands, and ordered someone to bring the few stones he got by chance.

Not long after, the door of the wing room was opened, and a few men dressed as servants came in with several trays, roughly estimated to be five or six, and covered with a layer of red cloth, making it quite mysterious.

Fourth Master Long asked them to lift up the red cloth.

The moment the red cloth was lifted, five or six top-quality stone materials came into view. They were indeed good things. The fine material on the stone was evenly distributed, and some patterns were vaguely covered around the stone. Surprisingly large, I believe people with eyesight will find that these are all good things.

Ding Jingtai shook his hands excitedly, and the wine in his glass was almost shaken out.

"These stones..." Ding Jingtai was too excited to speak.

Fourth Master Long asked with a smile: "What's wrong with these stones?"

Ding Jingtai calmed down for a long time before he said: "It's really wonderful, I've never seen such a good one."

"Jingtai really has a vision." Fourth Master Long smiled, and he was in a better mood when he heard someone praise the stones. He said, "I will officially display these stones later. If a person can guess all the contents of these five or six stones, I will give all the contents to that person."

In the past, the rules of guessing stones were the same, and everyone was not surprised.

Baili Qinxue had never been here before, so she couldn't help being stunned. She tugged at Mu Liu's sleeve and asked, "Is it true that as long as you guess everything correctly, you will give them all?"

Mu Liu lowered her voice and said, "Don't look at Fourth Master Long's appearance, he is actually very trustworthy."

Baili Qinxue thought for a moment and asked again: "Then have you participated in rock guessing in the past?"

Hearing this, Mu Liu rubbed her nose, blushed and said in embarrassment, "I have to pay one hundred thousand gold coins to play the stone guessing game. I don't know much about stones, so it would be a loss to go up rashly. I have never participated in it... ..."

It turned out that she had to pay one hundred thousand gold coins. She thought it was free, but if it was really free, would Fourth Master Long still be dead?

Baili Qinxue played with the wine glass in her hand. She really wanted to play the stone guessing game, but she was afraid that Mu Liu would not give up the [-] gold coins.

"My lord, will you participate in the stone guessing meeting?" Ding Jingtai held up his glass and offered a toast in Baili Qinxue's direction.

Baili Qinxue hadn't reacted yet, and only later realized that the son was calling her. She bit her lower lip, and returned a glass of wine to Ding Jingtai, and said: "I am the president of Tong Muliu. Come together, everything is under his arrangement."

The crisp and pleasant voice resounded in the room, and Ding Jingtai froze on the spot.

It turned out to be a girl, he thought it was a man...


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(End of this chapter)

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