Chapter 2074 Heavy taste~
The waiter felt an unprecedented crisis, and his body trembled.

Seeing that the waiter's eyes were full of fear, Xi Fu smiled evilly, and said to the people watching: "Everyone here, have you not eaten meat for a long time?"

Everyone said without hesitation: "Yes, I have been eating cactus these days, and grass grows in my stomach, and the monsters in the yellow sand are as smart as monkeys. We haven't seen each other for a long time."

Xi Fu stroked his beard and laughed loudly, "In that case, do you want to eat meat?"

Everyone nodded hurriedly, "We're not idiots, so we naturally want to eat meat, but isn't this meatless?"

Xi Fu didn't speak, but looked at Xiao Er with a sinister smile.

The shop clerk trembled all over. Although he was about to die, he was still a little scared.

Xu Shi understood Xi Fu's expression, and the waiter struggled hard.

He would rather die than be tortured...

Baili Qinxue took a full look into Xi Fu's eyes, and couldn't help but frowned, "Although that Xi Fu didn't say anything, I can feel what he wants to do, it's really serious..."

Dugu Sheng stretched out his hand, couldn't help pinching her palm, and said with a smile: "It's the little girl in the store who is to blame..."

Baili Qinxue shrugged and said nothing.

Over there, Xi Fu smiled again and said, "Isn't this meat ready-made?"

Everyone looked at Xi Fu in confusion.

Where is the ready-made meat?

Xi Fu rubbed his fingertips, and explained patiently: "We are people from the barren land. When food is scarce, even human beings cannot be spared, let alone such dying people."

When everyone heard this, they suddenly realized, and a green light appeared in the eyes of the waiter.

Although it was burnt on the surface, the meat inside must be good. They are really hungry. It’s not like they haven’t eaten people before. It’s no big deal. This is a barren land.

Everyone licked the corners of their lips, and there were sounds in their stomachs.

The waiter was trembling with fear.

He was about to die, why did he have to suffer such inhuman torture before he died?
Xi Fu lowered his eyes with a smile, and said, "You're going to die anyway, do something nice for us before you die, and we will all remember your kindness."

As soon as Xi Fu's words fell, everyone swarmed up and lifted the waiter up.

The waiter was terrified, and screamed like a pig butcher, "Don't—let me go, let me die naturally..."

Everyone laughed, like hungry wolves, and some people had already raised their weapons.

Xi Fu stood aside, watching cheerfully, his eyes filled with the pleasure of slaughter.

Baili Qinxue stood where she was, and couldn't help squinting her eyes. She even ate her own kind. It really tasted so bad.

With a flick of her fingertips, she helped Xiao Er end his life.

Although she wanted to teach Xiao Er a lesson, she couldn't be so cruel.

When the sword fell, only blood flowed out, Xi Fu didn't hear the scream of Xiaoer Dian as expected, he turned his head to see that Xiaoer Dian was dead.

He flattened his mouth, all the pleasure in his eyes dissipated, leaving only a trace of unhappiness.

Unexpectedly, he died, which is really disappointing.

He also wanted to see the desperate expression of the waiter after being hacked, and the screams like killing a pig.

Unfortunately, it's completely out of sight.

Xi Fu turned his head sideways and left with a flick of his sleeves.

The crowd chopped up the waiter's body, seeing that he was about to leave, they couldn't help asking: "Master Xi Fu, don't you want to bring a piece of meat back?"


(End of this chapter)

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