Chapter 2084 Is it over?
Baili Qinxue nodded in agreement, then pointed to the people on the ground, and said, "Why don't you trap all these people in the formation, so that you can relax when you grab the sign tomorrow."

It's not fun to avoid clowns who snatch the number plates from time to time.

With a wave of Dugu Sheng's sleeve, in an instant, a transparent halo enveloped these people. After everything was done, he said: "Axue, I have already set up formations around. This is an ordinary formation. After [-] It will be automatically released after an hour."

Twelve hours...

At that time, they must have taken all the number plates, and these people should let them take a good rest in the formation, and come back to pass the barrier in ten years.

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, a faint smile filled her dark eyes.

After the two ate something, they fell asleep in the old space.

The next day, when it was just dawn, the two of them came out of the space. Baili Qinxue closed her eyes and felt it. When she opened her eyes, her eyes were slightly bright. How bright should it be.

Dugu Sheng looked into her eyes, his eyes were burning.

Baili Qinxue pretended not to see, she blinked her eyes and said in a low voice: "Those people are not far to the west, they may still be sleeping, they have no signs of moving at the moment."

Dugu Sheng snapped his fingers, his voice was magnetic and charming, "Then let's go over quickly and take the number plates off their bodies."

Baili Qinxue nodded, perhaps thinking that she could go out, the smile in her eyes was as bright and beautiful as a pearl.

The two of them dodged and headed west.

When she got closer to those people, Baili Qinxue raised her eyes and looked over, and the corners of her lips raised again, "Sure enough, it's exactly what I thought, they really fell asleep, and they really don't have the slightest sense of vigilance." .”

Dugu Sheng lowered his eyes, glanced at the sleeping faces of those people, he raised his eyebrows, his eyes were full of sarcasm, "I always feel that there is no challenge at all, Axue, let's go immediately after taking the number plate."

While he was talking, Baili Qinxue had already jumped up and snatched the number plates from their bodies. When they took them off, they were still in a deep sleep, as if they didn't notice anything.

Seeing this, Dugu Sheng couldn't help but spit slightly.

Sleeping so dead, like a pig...

Baili Qinxue raised the number plate in Yang's hand, and said: "We have all the number plates in our hands, and we can finally go out."

Dugu Sheng raised his eyebrows, and there was a soothing smile in his eyes.

When the two were talking, they felt a flash in front of their eyes, and the surrounding scenery had undergone a huge change. In an instant, the scene of yellow sand all over the sky came into their eyes.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Baili Qinxue couldn't help smacking her lips and said, "Did you bring us back before we found the way out?"

Dugu Sheng propped his chin, his eyes were dark and deep, "This barren land is quite interesting."

Not only did they come back, even those who survived came back together. They stood blankly in the middle of the yellow sand, completely unaware of what happened.

"What's going on, how did we come back?"

"Could it be that the winner has already been decided?"

Xi Fu touched his pocket, his expression changed, and he said, "Where did my number plate go? I put it in my pocket, why is it gone now, woman, did you take the number plate for yourself?" ?”

Xi Fu raised his eyebrows and looked at the woman sharply.


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(End of this chapter)

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