Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 2098 The jade pendant is so beautiful~

Chapter 2098 The jade pendant is so beautiful~
Ding Liufeng was also a little stunned, but he soon recovered, and he said: "If it's Miss Baili who helps, we naturally don't mind."

This is Baili Qinxue's territory, do they dare to mind?
Moreover, the people here are either magicians or warriors, and one of them is the tutor of Xiling College. Anyone who comes out can beat him to death. How dare he refuse?

Baili Qinxue stretched out her hand and touched the stone materials one by one. She raised her eyebrows, and looked at the paper in their hands calmly. She squinted her eyes, and immediately knew who would win.

She raised her lips slightly, but her voice was a little light, "Then I will start with the first stone material, please give me the paper in your hands."

When the two heard the words, they immediately handed her the paper full of words.

After Baili Qinxue took it, she turned around and handed the paper to Ding Chongyang, "Do me a favor, hold it for me first."

Ding Chongyang nodded hastily as if he had been entrusted with some sacred mission, "I know Patriarch Baili, I will definitely take it seriously and guarantee to complete the mission."

This kid is really serious and cute.

Baili Qinxue curled her lips into a smile, and immediately untied the stone materials in front of her one by one.

Her technique is fast and skillful, and it is dazzling to see.

Ding Liufeng watched and couldn't help swallowing, it's really scary that Baili Qinxue has such skills.

Not long after, all the stone materials were untied.

Baili Qinxue clapped her hands, rolled down her sleeves, and said, "Ding Chongyang, you can help me compare what they wrote on the paper, and see who among them has the higher correct rate."

Ding Chongyang nodded hastily upon hearing this.

He took the paper and ran to the desk, but at this time...

He suddenly tripped over a stone on the side of the road, he couldn't dodge and fell to the ground, and the jade pendant around his neck fell out of his collar.

The jade pendant is smooth and round, shining in the sunlight, and looks extraordinary.

Ding Jingtai looked at the jade pendant on his neck, his face softened again.

Ding Liufeng squinted his eyes, staring at the jade pendant around his neck, as if he wanted to see a hole in the jade pendant, this jade pendant was so familiar... Besides, how could such a small guy like Ding Chongyang have such a texture? Yupei, the two of them really have some ulterior identity.

Ding Liufeng gritted his teeth, and looked at the two with increasingly unfriendly eyes.

"Brother Ding Zhongxiao, the jade pendant on your neck doesn't look ordinary, but it's also very beautiful. Where did it come from?" Ding Liufeng narrowed his eyes, his eyes burning.

Ding Chongyang lowered his eyes and realized that the jade pendant had fallen out of his collar. He said: "This jade pendant has been on my body since I can remember. It can be said that it was left to me by my parents."

Ding Jingtai's eyes were softer.

Ding Liufeng's expression became even uglier, did his parents leave it behind...

This jade pendant really looks familiar...

"So that's it, it really is a beautiful jade pendant..." Ding Liufeng kept murmuring, his eyes were a little strange.

Ding Chongyang swallowed his saliva, unavoidably a little afraid that he would subconsciously hide the jade pendant in his collar.

Seeing that the jade pendant was gone, Ding Liufeng couldn't help but look away.

Baili Qinxue cast her eyes on Ding Chongyang and said, "Hurry up and announce who will win."

Ding Chongyang hurriedly got up from the ground, he raised his eyes to look at the things on the table...


(End of this chapter)

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