Chapter 2100 Show me the jade pendant again~
Ding Liufeng was silent for a long time, and finally said: "Ding Jingtai, you are really good at picking stones. Just now you were modest enough to say that your skill in picking stones would be rusty. You are really modest."

Ding Jingtai looked at him, bowed and said, "Young Master Ding is the most powerful, you must have been merciful just now?"

It's never wrong to say nice things.

When Ding Liufeng heard the words, the unwillingness in his heart faded a lot. He scratched his head and smiled dryly: "Hehe, you are actually the one who is amazing, and I didn't show mercy..."

When Baili Qinxue heard this, she almost laughed out loud, thinking that Ding Liufeng would really find herself a step down.

Ding Jingtai didn't pay much attention, turned around and wanted to run to the herb shop, "Since the competition is over, I'll go back to the herb shop first, Mr. Ding, please do what you want."

Ding Liufeng didn't stop him, but looked at his back with deeper eyes.

This Ding Jingtai is definitely not simple, so familiar, he must be a threat in the future...

He narrowed his eyes, knowing that Ding Jingtai's figure had disappeared, he turned his eyes back, turned his head, and his eyes lingered on Ding Chongyang again.

This Ding Chongyang and Ding Jingtai must be brothers, they look so similar, and the jade pendant on his body...

Ding Liufeng swallowed his saliva, and looked at Ding Chongyang even more intensely, "Little brother Ding Chongyang, can you show me the jade pendant on your body again?"

Hearing this, Ding Chongyang looked at Ding Liufeng warily.

This guy was extremely eager, could it be that he wanted to snatch the jade pendant around his neck?

The guard in his eyes was too obvious, when Ding Liufeng saw it, his face immediately became embarrassing, he took a deep breath and quickly explained: "Don't be so guarded, I just think the jade pendant on your body is very beautiful, and I want to appreciate it again That's all, it means nothing at all."

is it?

Ding Chongyang narrowed his eyes and asked silently.

The other party was just a child, and Ding Liufeng didn't dare to do anything to him, so he could only patiently say: "Really, your Patriarch Baili and her friends are here, how dare I steal your things?"

Ding Chongyang was right when he heard it, Baili Qinxue is so powerful, how dare this coward?
He glanced at Baili Qinxue, and Baili Qinxue nodded to him.

Seeing this, Ding Chongyang became courageous immediately, and he took out the jade pendant around his neck. In an instant, the lustrous jade pendant shone under the sun.

Ding Liufeng took a deep breath, stretched out his hand, and touched the jade pendant around his neck with a trembling gesture.

This texture, this embellishment is definitely a high-end product.

He was fascinated, and quickly turned the jade pendant over, the small words engraved on the bottom of the jade pendant instantly caught Ding Liufeng's eyes, he took a breath and suddenly widened his eyes.

How could this jade pendant...

He stared at Yu Pei, his eyes trembling.

Ding Chongyang was startled by his gaze, he stretched out his hand and tried to take out his jade pendant, but unfortunately, the jade pendant was held tightly by him, and he couldn't take it out at all.

"Master Ding, what's the matter with you?" Ding Chongyang's expression was a little uneasy.

Ding Liufeng's complexion was worse than his, and he seemed to have forgotten to breathe for a moment.

Ding Chongyang bit his lip and sent a distress signal to Baili Qinxue.

Seeing this, Baili Qinxue hurriedly said, "Master Ding, what's the matter with you, your actions have frightened my shopkeeper."

Ding Liufeng regained his composure as the faint voice entered his ears. He said with an apologetic expression, "I'm sorry, the jade pendant is so beautiful, I was just fascinated by it for a while..."


(End of this chapter)

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