Chapter 2112 Hey, your father is too bad~
People from their Ding family?

The two froze in place when they heard that.

Are they actually from the Ding family of the Northern Continent?
But why are they wandering outside, living a life of ups and downs, why as long as they can remember, they live in that small village, that backward small village that can't get enough to eat...

Ding Jingtai clenched his fists tightly, looked at Master Ding suspiciously and said, "Master Ding, can you explain to us what you mean by what you said just now? If we are really the Ding family, then why when we remember things, We only lived in a small backward village, and during that time, you never came to find us?"

Because, I don't want to find them at all...

Although Master Ding thought so in his heart, he said in his mouth: "Because, I didn't even know you existed..."

When Ding Jingtai heard this, he frowned again, "I don't know our existence, what do you mean?"

Master Ding caressed the corner of his mouth, and a long distance seemed to flash in his eyes. He pursed his lips and said quietly: "You are my brother's son, and my brother is also a very talented rock picker, but he coveted The position of the Patriarch, I remember that in that summer, he sent his men to seize the Patriarch's position, but he failed..."

When Ding Jingtai and Ding Chongyang heard this, they suddenly frowned.

Their father is the second master of the Ding family, but is he a villain who wants to covet the position of Patriarch?

The two took a sharp breath, but felt a little uncomfortable in their hearts.

Ding Jingtai pursed his lips and asked, "Then what happened next?"

Master Ding sighed, and said with a regretful face: "Next, the Patriarch, that is, our father, will drive him out of the Ding family after he has made great contributions to our Ding family and saved his life. .”

Was he kicked out of Ding's house?

Ding Chongyang pulled Ding Jingtai's clothes uncomfortably, and said, "Brother Jingtai, is our father actually such a person?"

Ding Jingtai pursed his lips and said nothing.

Master Ding paused, and then said: "After being driven out of Ding's house, I always took some things to help him out of brotherhood, but he is a very face-saving person, maybe he doesn't want us to find him , disappeared without a trace, so I didn't know where he was all these years, and I didn't even know that he had two sons."

"I see..." Ding Jingtai held his chin.

Master Ding spoke clearly and logically, but Ding Jingtai always felt that there was something weird. In his subconscious mind, his father should not be such a bad person.

Master Ding rubbed the corners of his eyes, his eyes were a little red, "Hey, if I knew of your existence, I would have to go all the way to find you."

The two looked at each other without speaking.

Ding Liufeng exclaimed, and couldn't help but said: "I didn't expect you to be my brothers, no wonder I felt a familiar feeling when I first met you, no wonder your talent for picking rocks is so good."

Thinking of the scene of losing to Ding Jingtai that day, Ding Liufeng couldn't help biting the corner of his lips.

However, this world simply does not need too many geniuses.

Now that these two people have come to their Ding's house, it will be difficult for them to leave...

Ding Liufeng hooked his lips and sneered silently in his heart.

At this moment……

A young servant hurriedly came to report, "My lord, there is a man outside who claims to be Baili Qinxue, and he brought many people to the house to pay a visit."


(End of this chapter)

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