Chapter 2117 You can pretend to leave~
This is what Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng saw when they came out of the room.

"Master Ding is calm and made the mansion look good." Baili Qinxue's curly hair, there was a hint of sarcasm in her light voice.

Dugu Sheng narrowed his eyes, and the sarcasm in his eyes was undoubtedly revealed, "We are still here, he will always do enough on the surface, and when we leave, he won't know."

Baili Qinxue squinted her eyes and said with a sneer: "The surname Ding said that their father was kicked out after attempting to usurp the position of Patriarch. I think there is something hidden in it. Just look at the expressions of the father and son that day."

Dugu Sheng laughed softly, "That expression is on the bright side, only idiots can't understand it."

Baili Qinxue fiddled with her fingertips and couldn't help sighing, "It seems that my boss has to worry a lot about the two of them."

Dugu Sheng rubbed her hair with a smile, and said, "I think you enjoy it."

Baili Qinxue shrugged with a smile, undeniable.

The two ate something casually and wandered around the mansion. When they reached the back garden, they saw Zhao Yu and the others sitting in the gazebo, leisurely eating melon and fruit refreshments.

The two waved their sleeves and walked over with a smile.

Yi Xiren, who was eating cakes, saw the two coming, his eyes lit up immediately.

The four thieves got up, wiped the chairs beside them, and said, "Boss, you are here, sit down quickly."

Jing Ye stood up and tried to make way for Dugu Sheng, but was stopped by Dugu Sheng.

Sitting on the chair, Jing Ye was a little bit on pins and needles, he wrung his fingers and called out, "Young master..."

Dugu Sheng glanced at him, sat down on the empty seat beside him, and said, "You can just do the same as before, eat whatever you want, don't worry about me, I won't do anything to you."

Jing Ye still had that expressionless look, but he was much more at ease than before.

Zhao Yu came over after eating an osmanthus cake, and said with a smile, "I never thought that the two of them would have such identities, and their uncle was kind to them, so they held such a grand recognition ceremony, However, I always feel that their uncles are playing tricks, their eyes are full of calculations."

Dugu Sheng glanced at him, and there was a touch of admiration in his eyes, "It's not stupid, to be able to see the calculation in Ding's eyes."

"Ah bah!" Zhao Yu spat out the melon seed husks in his mouth, and said, "I have been to the palace anyway, and I have seen all the intrigues in it, so it is not surprising to see that."

Dugu Sheng curled his lips and said with a smile: "Thanks to you being in the palace and learning a little bit of skill."

Zhao Yu gritted his teeth angrily.

Dugu Sheng put down his upturned Erlang legs, and said seriously: "That man surnamed Ding is indeed not a good person, if you have time, you can pay more attention to him."

Wei Nanzi frowned, and then said: "I don't think there will be any changes, because they dare not act rashly when we are still here."

When Baili Qinxue heard the words, she curled her lips and said, "When the ceremony is over, we can pretend to leave..."

As soon as these words were said, Xiren couldn't help but curl his lips, hehehehe smirking/laughing.

Soon, voices came from outside the garden, and it was extremely lively.

When Baili Qinxue heard these voices, she knew that those people that Master Ding had invited had already arrived, and the recognition ceremony would begin in a while.

At this time, there was another noise in the garden.

"What the hell happened to the Ding family? Why did two young masters appear again?"

"Who knows, I heard that they are the two sons of the current Patriarch's younger brother..."


(End of this chapter)

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