Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 2125 Chapter 2176 You don't trust your brother?

Chapter 2125 Chapter 2176 You don't trust your brother?
Hearing this, Ding Liufeng couldn't help being stunned for a moment. He had indeed encountered something. A few stone materials were placed in front of him just now, and his mind went blank for a moment. It took him a while to get the correct answer.

Naturally, he couldn't speak out about these issues related to his face.

Ding Liufeng adjusted the emotion on his face, and then said: "It's nothing, it may be because there were too many people just now, we waited for a long time before it was our turn."

Baili Qinxue paused for a few seconds on his face, and then raised the corners of her lips, with a hint of meaning in her eyes, "Oh, so that's the case, I thought Mr. Ding was stumped by these stone materials."

When Ding Liufeng heard this, his eyes widened, and he felt a little guilty. He touched his nose and said, "What's the matter, I'm going to the underground stone-picking conference."

Baili Qinxue chuckled and said nothing.

Ding Liufeng pointed to Ding Chongyang who was at the side, and said: "Brother Chongyang has been picking there for more than half an hour, and I don't know if he can succeed?"

On the sixth floor, 20 gold coins are to be paid, and the stone materials to be picked are 20 yuan. You must guess all of them correctly to enter the underground stone picking meeting. The time limit is one hour, which can be said to be quite difficult.

Ding Chongyang still has half an hour left, and there is still a piece of raw material that he has not guessed, but looking at his radiant eyes, Baili Qinxue has an intuition, he must be right.

Baili Qinxue glanced at Ding Liufeng and said, "You have to trust your brother."

Her eyes were clear and black as swirls.

Ding Liufeng took a look and couldn't help but feel a little timid. He rubbed his nose and gave a dry laugh, and said, "That's right, Patriarch Baili is right, I should trust my younger brother Chongyang."

Ding Jingtai had already selected the stone material and was waiting for Ding Chongyang.

Ding Chongyang was not in a hurry, the light in his eyes was like stars.

Baili Qinxue turned her head to look at Ding Chongyang again, unexpectedly, the young boy who was thin before had grown into this appearance, it's not bad.

After a while, Ding Chongyang had already written all the answers, and when the staff unwrapped the stone material, he couldn't help showing a hint of admiration in his eyes, "I didn't expect this young man to have such a talent, you answered all the questions correctly. Now, according to the rules, these trophies are yours."

Ding Chongyang smiled brightly, and threw all the spoils into the interspatial ring with a wave of his hand.

The three members of Ding's family had already answered all the questions, and they took the clearance pass handed over by the staff.

Ding Chongyang took the door plate, ran to Baili Qinxue with a smile on his face, and said, "Patriarch Baili, you see that I have won the door plate. Brother Jingtai originally said that he would sign up with me, but I didn't agree, so we separated Sign up, and let’s take a look at your own strength by the way, haha.”

Ding Chongyang smiled like a sunflower.

Baili Qinxue looked at the house number in his hand, and said with a smile, "Well, you're pretty good, keep working hard, boy!"

When Ding Chongyang heard this, he rolled his eyes with a smile, and said: "Well, I will definitely work hard, Patriarch Baili, let's go to the underground stone-picking meeting first, and we will wait for you there."

Patriarch Baili is super powerful, and he must be there in the blink of an eye.

Baili Qinxue nodded, her eyes were flat, but her voice was firm and abnormal, "Well, we will be there soon."

Ding Chongyang pursed his lips, his eyes trembled, he laughed, and took Ding Jingtai and the others away after a while.

Baili Qinxue watched their backs gradually disappear, and then stepped forward to hand over 20 gold coins.


(End of this chapter)

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