Chapter 2132 Blindfolded~
When Baili Qinxue heard this, the corners of her lips curled up.

Blindfolded, touching the stone material with both hands, and then writing the answer on paper, it sounds difficult, but it is a piece of cake for her. It doesn't matter.

Compared to Baili Qinxue's calmness, the others looked dark.

How dare you cover your eyes and touch it with your hands?That's still playing a fart, isn't picking a stone just to use your eyes to see the color and shape, and then judge the quality of the stone material?
Feel it with both hands now, what can you find?
Ding Liufeng and the others were still calm, but some other youngsters immediately started to quarrel, complaining that the competition was too difficult.

The staff signaled them to be quiet, and said with a serious face: "Please be quiet, everyone, the rules of the game are like this, no matter how much you complain, it will not change. If you don't want to participate, you can quit now, but as long as you quit, you have no chance Participate again."

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, they gritted their teeth, their voices gradually faded, and no one withdrew.

Seeing this, the staff couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction and said: "Since none of you quit, please cover your eyes. If you finally take off the cloth strip, it is also for quitting the competition."

After everyone heard the words, they quickly covered their eyes with cloth strips.

The corner of Baili Qinxue's lips curled up, and she also covered her eyes.

The staff gave the boys a wink, and the boys understood, and immediately picked out five stones and placed them in front of everyone.

After putting it away, the staff said again: "The stone materials have been placed for you, you can touch them now, and after touching all the stone materials, write down the answer on the paper."

Everyone nodded after hearing this, and immediately stretched out their hands to touch the raw stone in front of them.

Some people looked distressed, while others looked very cautious. The corner of Baili Qinxue's mouth twitched, she was still extremely calm.

She stretched out her hand and touched them one by one, and she soon had a bottom line in her heart.

These stones of hers were all good raw materials, and there was at least something in each of them, some bad and some good.

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, stroked the stone material again, and then wrote it down on the paper, before and after, all in less than a cup of tea.

Even though her eyes were blindfolded, the staff seemed to feel her firmness and confidence.

The staff swallowed their saliva, while others were still touching it, but she had already finished writing it. Isn't this too fast and against the sky?

After Baili Qinxue finished writing, she put down the pen and said: "I have already written all the answers, little brother, you can take away the stone material in front of me, and I also want to untie the cloth. "

The staff member was stunned for a moment, and then he was relieved. He immediately took out a red cloth to cover the stone material in front of her, and took away the paper she wrote, and then said: "Girl, you can Untie the cloth."

Baili Qinxue untied the cloth strips, glanced at the stone material covered by the red cloth, and then cast her eyes on the other people.

Others were still struggling to lift rocks, perhaps because they heard that she had recovered, some were extremely anxious, and wanted to remove the cloth strips from their eyes several times.

Ding Liufeng and the others remained extremely calm.

Soon, everyone picked out the stones, and Yixi hurriedly untied the cloth strips from his eyes.

Ding Liufeng took a look at Baili Qinxue, and said: "Miss Baili, you are quite fast, you are actually a long time ahead of us..."


(End of this chapter)

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