Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 2140 Chapter 2191 Haha, I can definitely find it~

Chapter 2140 Chapter 2191 Haha, I can definitely find it~
When everyone heard this, they froze in place again.

Ahhh, it's so amazing that all of them have been promoted. This underground stone-picking competition is really exciting and beautiful.

While the crowd praised the three brothers of the Ding family for their strength, they also praised Baili Qinxue's strength and mystery.

When Ding Liufeng heard this, his face changed again. A woman who came here by luck, what kind of praise is there, hum!
He glanced at Baili Qinxue, and said involuntarily: "Miss Baili, your luck is really super good. This third part is already quite difficult, but you can still stand out. I really don't know what to do." Say something."

Baili Qinxue spread her hands, and said, "Young Master Ding, you don't need to say anything in a hurry, and you don't need to say anything, anyway, you have advanced."

Ding Liufeng chuckled and stopped talking.

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, and quickly looked back.

At this time, the staff stood up again and said, "Now let's proceed to the fourth round of competition."

When everyone heard the words, they all pricked up their ears and listened.

The staff paused for a moment, and then said: "The fourth part of the competition still requires you to be blindfolded, and then I will place the stone raw materials in front of you, and you need to touch them with your hands to feel their color and shape, and then... "

The staff changed their subject.

Everyone licked the corners of their lips and listened with pricked ears.

After the staff whetted their appetites, they said again: "At that time, I will throw the raw stones you touched on the table under the stage, and let you choose the one you touched just now from among the many raw stones."

When everyone heard this, they immediately went cold in their hearts!
This topic is getting more and more tricky.

It's fine to touch with your eyes blindfolded, but you still have to throw what you've touched into many stone materials, which is even more terrifying than the third link.

Ding Liufeng raised his eyebrows and asked, "Staff, how can you be sure that the one we picked out was touched just now? What if you're talking nonsense?"

The staff said: "There will be some small marks on those stone materials, but they can only be revealed after being poured with some special potions, so you don't have to worry about us talking nonsense."

Hearing this, Ding Liufeng couldn't help but feel relieved, "So, I feel relieved."

The staff member nodded, and said again: "Since you are relieved, then you can cover your eyes with cloth strips, and I will pass the stone raw materials to you in a while."

When the four of them heard this, they quickly covered their eyes.

The staff nodded in satisfaction, and quickly put the stone raw materials in front of them, "There is a stone raw material in front of each of you, and now you can start touching them."

As soon as the four of them heard this, they quickly touched the raw stone in front of them.

When Baili Qinxue touched the raw material of the stone, her fingertips couldn't help trembling slightly. This raw material of the stone is really the best.

Inside, there was a cool and strong aura. If she guessed correctly, the contents inside must be better than the tenth-grade black iron...

Baili Qinxue squinted her eyes, and couldn't help but twitched the corners of her lips. No matter where she put the raw materials, she would find them when she was so awesome.

"Staff, I've already touched it." Ding Liufeng spoke first.

Baili Qinxue dawdled for a while before she spoke, "I'm already healed too."

At this time, Ding Jingtai and Ding Chongyang also made their choice.

The staff member stepped forward and said, "Don't untie the cloth strips yet, since you have picked them out, I will put them on the table under the stage."

The four nodded.


(End of this chapter)

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