Chapter 2142 Lost the chain~
Baili Qinxue glanced at him, but didn't answer immediately, and said, "It's probably picked out, but I also have doubts, and I always feel that there is some bad premonition, and I plan to take another look."

Hearing this, Ding Liufeng couldn't help laughing, "Miss Baili, you don't have to worry, you are so lucky, you can definitely pick one out, even if you can't pick it out, it's just that your luck is not in place, you don't have to worry about it, Miss Baili." burden."

As Ding Liufeng spoke, a sense of irony spread out.

Baili Qinxue pretended not to hear it, she smiled and said: "Young Master Ding is right, it's all about luck anyway, it doesn't matter if you can advance or not."

Ding Liufeng chuckled, "Your heart is really wide."

Baili Qinxue shrugged and said nothing.

Ding Liufeng licked the corner of his lips, and a bright color flashed in his eyes.

He is the eldest son of the Ding family, so he is naturally invincible. He will trample on Baili Qinxue, Ding Jingtai and Ding Chongyang, haha.

He kept touching the stone materials on the table, which were all uneven, completely different from the ones he touched just now.

Ding Liufeng turned his head and touched another table.

Soon, his eyes could not help but light up, "Haha I finally found you, this is the one, haha."

Ding Liufeng picked up the stone material with a smile, and immediately handed it to the staff, fearing that it would be dropped.

After the staff took it, they couldn't help sighing, "Mr. Ding, you are amazing. You were the first to find out the raw material of the stone. Please continue to work hard."

Ding raised his eyebrows and said, "Thank you for the compliment."

After the words fell, he stood aside, watching Ding Jingtai and the others pick stones.

And Baili Qinxue was still standing there holding the stone raw materials, looking indifferent, not fighting or grabbing.

Ding Liufeng watched and couldn't help snorting coldly.

Soon Ding Jingtai and the others also selected the stone raw materials, and the three of them handed the stone raw materials to the staff, who took them and said, "Since they have all been selected, I will start watering them with special potions. "

Ding Liufeng raised his eyebrows, and said very confidently: "Then water it, I want to know the result soon."

Ding Chongyang bit his lip and couldn't help moving his fingers.

Baili Qinxue saw his anxiety and couldn't help asking: "Ding Chongyang, why are you so anxious?"

Ding Chongyang flattened his mouth, and his face was a bit ugly, "Patriarch Baili, I really couldn't pick out just now, the textures of those stone materials are basically the same, I couldn't tell them apart at all, so I just took a similar one..."

Hey, it's over, he will definitely not be able to advance.

Hearing this, Baili Qinxue couldn't help but reached out and rubbed his head, saying: "Don't be nervous, maybe there will be a turnaround, and it's okay even if you fail, just keep working hard next time."

Ding Chongyang heard the words, as if he had been given a reassurance, he couldn't help feeling more calm, he smiled and said: "Thank you Patriarch Baili for your adjustment, I feel much better already."

The corner of Baili Qinxue's mouth curled up, "Then relax."

Ding Chongyang nodded abruptly, and suddenly became extremely calm.

At this time, the staff had already taken out the potion and poured them on the stone raw materials. In an instant...

The small marks on the stone material were revealed one by one, and there were numbers from one to four on it, corresponding to Baili Qinxue and the others.

Baili Qinxue is one, Ding Liufeng is two, Ding Jingtai is three, and Ding Chongyang is four.

Baili Qinxue and the others picked the right stone material, but Ding Chongyang lost the chain...


(End of this chapter)

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