C2149 Eyes glow green!
Ding Liufeng gritted his teeth and said nothing.

At the rock-picking meeting, he was so embarrassing, it wasn't fun at all.

Ding Jingtai and Cong Chongyang looked at each other without speaking.

Seeing that Ding Liufeng's complexion was not good, Mr. Ding couldn't help being a little worried, "Liu Feng, what's wrong with you, why is your complexion so bad?"

Ding Liufeng said with a livid face, "Father, don't guess that I'm fine."

Master Ding blinked suspiciously, "Oh, is that right, is the stone-picking conference fun?"

Ding Liufeng narrowed his eyes, too angry to speak.

Baili Qinxue stepped forward with a flick of her sleeves, and said with a smile: "Master Ding, the stone-picking meeting is quite fun."

Hearing the voice, Master Ding suddenly came forward and said, "Really, if Patriarch Baili thinks it's fun, then it must be fun. Did my Liu Feng win the stone-picking competition?"

He heard that there will be many rich prizes for winning the stone competition, but he doesn't know what they are.

"Master Ding..." Baili Qinxue paused, looking at Master Ding with some embarrassment.

Master Ding blinked, feeling something was wrong, "Patriarch Baili, is there something wrong?"

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, smiling innocently and harmlessly, "There's nothing wrong with it, Mr. Ding didn't win, it was another Mr. Ding who won."

Liu Feng of his family did not win, but the other Mr. Ding who won?

Who is the other Mr. Ding?
Master Ding pursed his lips, and said in a daze, "Who is the other Mr. Ding?"

Why didn't he know there was such a person?
Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, pretending to be surprised and said: "It's Ding Jingtai, the young master you met a few days ago, Master Ding forgot?"

Master Ding paused for a moment, it turned out to be Ding Jingtai, he was so good at picking stones that he could compare to his family's Liu Feng?
Master Ding glanced at Ding Jingtai for a while, and couldn't help but praise: "I didn't expect Jingtai to be so good at picking stones. Uncle, I will definitely train you well in the future."

Ding Jingtai just smiled, "Thank you uncle for cultivating."

When Ding Liufeng saw this happy scene, his face darkened a bit, he gritted his teeth, and said sourly: "As expected, they are from our Ding family, and they are really talented in picking stones..."

Baili Qinxue played with her fingertips, and said: "Ding Jingtai is indeed very talented in picking stones. Master Ding, if you cultivate more in the future, you will definitely let him improve. Of course, Ding Chongyang is also very talented. not bad."

Ding Chongyang raised his lips and smiled.

Master Ding saw that Ding Liufeng's expression was not good, so he quickly changed the subject, and said, "I heard that the rewards of the Stone Picking Conference are very generous, Jingtai, what rewards did you get?"

Ding Jingtai told the truth, "The reward is to choose 100 yuan of stone materials, and it is free."

Free stone raw materials, and it's still 100 yuan?

When Mr. Ding heard this, a green light appeared in his eyes. He licked the corner of his mouth and said, "Is it free for 100 yuan...Jingtai, please quickly show it to me."

Ding Jingtai thought for a while, and took out the 100 yuan stone raw material.

Master Ding leaned over to take a look, and a happy smile appeared in his eyes instantly.

Oh my God, it's not ten yuan, nor 50 yuan, but 100 yuan, and it's free.

Master Ding kept inhaling and exhaling, and the greedy look in his eyes kept flickering, "Jingtai is so amazing, it actually got 100 yuan of free stone raw materials, it's really a face for our parents Ding."

He kept stroking the raw stone.

Ding Liufeng gritted his teeth, his face was livid, "Not only Ding Jingtai got it, but Miss Baili got it too..."


(End of this chapter)

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