Chapter 2154 I picked all the best!
When Zhang Yuanwai heard this, his sense of superiority was overwhelming.

He licked the corners of his lips and said with a smile: "It's my luck to invite Mr. Ding."

When everyone heard this, they all pointed at Yuan Zhang and scolded him for being hypocritical.

Zhang Yuanwai didn't take these words to heart at all, he raised the corners of his mouth, still looking full of superiority.

Ding Liufeng stood there for a while, and soon felt a little impatient. He said, "Mr. Zhang, where are the stones you want me to pick out?"

Seemingly hearing the impatience in his words, Zhang Yuanwai quickly put on a smile and comforted him: "Don't worry, Mr. Ding, the person I've been working with for a long time is on his way, I believe he will be here soon. "

After finishing the words, Zhang Yuanwai winked at the servant at the side.

The servant at the side understood, and hurriedly moved the table and chairs over, and served them with various snacks and steaming tea.

Seeing this, Zhang Yuanwai laughed again: "Mr. Ding, if you are tired, you can sit on the chairs. If you are hungry or thirsty, snacks and tea are on the table."

Ding Liufeng opened his robe and sat down, his face softened a little.

At this time, a person who wanted to sell stone raw materials to Zhang Yuanwai came, and that person was surnamed Wang.

When Zhang Yuanwai saw the person surnamed Wang coming, his eyes lit up, "Mr. Ding, the person who sold my stone raw materials is here."

Ding Liufeng cast his gaze over, and saw an uncle with a sloppy beard walking slowly, carrying two big sacks in his hands, the sacks should contain stone raw materials.

Ding Liufeng watched, a flash of contempt flashed in his eyes.

Hmph, scruffy beard, disgusting.


Uncle Wang threw a bunch of sacks on the ground, his eyes lit up when he looked at Ding Liufeng, "Ah, this is the eldest son of the Ding family, Ding Liufeng, I've heard about you, I heard that you are a super picker awesome."

After saying that, Uncle Wang reached out and patted him on the shoulder twice.

The force of the slap on the shoulder was so strong that Ding Liufeng almost suffered internal injuries. He gritted his teeth and said, "Thank you for the compliment. My ability to pick rocks is actually not as good as my father's..."

Uncle Wang clapped a few more times, "Haha, Mr. Ding is too modest."

Ding Liufeng gritted his teeth, damn, take your hands away quickly, he is about to be shot to death.

Seeing Ding Liufeng's complexion a little bit, Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng couldn't help but raise their lips.

After a few more shots, Uncle Wang moved his hand away.

Ding Liufeng took a deep breath and felt that he had come alive. He turned his head and saw a large black patch on Uncle Wang's hand.

Nima!With such dirty hands, how dare you pat his clothes?

Ding Liufeng's face changed unpredictably, and Pang Er put on a dying expression again.

Zhang Yuanwai squatted down, opened the sack, and said, "Mr. Ding, these are the stone materials he brought. I don't know how to pick them myself, so you can pick them for me."

Ding Liufeng coughed and said, "Okay, I will help you choose carefully."

Zhang Yuanwai ordered someone to put the raw stones on the table. Ding Liufeng narrowed his eyes and looked back and forth on the raw stones.

It was the first time for Uncle Wang to see a master stone picker, and he couldn't contain his excitement, "Mr. Ding, can you untie the stone material you picked out on the spot and let us see it?"

Of course Zhang Yuanwai had no objection, anyway he bought it to untie it and make money.

Ding Liufeng nodded, and said confidently: "Yes, anyway, the stone materials I picked out are all high-quality goods."


Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng looked at each other, their eyes were full of ridicule.


(End of this chapter)

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