Chapter 2170 Will clean them up!

The two stared at Master Ding, and said: "Justice is in the hearts of the people. If we haven't done it, we haven't done it."

Master Ding coughed angrily, the toxin on his body was not cleared, and after coughing a few times, he even coughed up all the blood.

Seeing this, Ding Liufeng was taken aback, "Daddy, are you okay?"

Master Ding waved his hand, coughing too hard to speak.

Ding Liufeng's new machine head was impatient, he turned his head to look at Lang Zhong, and said: "Lang Zhong, come and see how my father is doing, he has vomited blood, is it possible that the poisonous blood was not cleaned up just now, and he is about to invade again?"

The doctor felt the pulse of Master Ding, and then said calmly, "Master Ding is fine, he just got angry like this, Mr. Ding, you should try to keep Master Ding as happy as possible, and don't let him Such joy and sorrow.”

Ding Liufeng heaved a sigh of relief, nodded and said, "I see."

After saying that, he glared at the two of them again, and said: "My father was all caused by you, if it weren't for you, my father would not have suffered like this."

The two stood upright without speaking.

Ding Liufeng's expression turned ugly, "Daddy, make up your mind quickly, do you want to chill the hearts of everyone in the Northern Continent, or do you want to keep these two white-eyed wolves?"

Master Ding thought for a long time before he said: "The two of them did do something wrong, I will give Bei Continent an explanation..."

Ding Chongyang gritted his teeth and snorted, "We didn't."

Damn it, why doesn't anyone believe them?
Ding Jingtai stroked Ding Chongyang's shoulder, he pursed his lips and said nothing, probably because no one believed what he said.

When the guests heard what Master Ding said, they asked again: "How does Master Ding plan to deal with them?"

These two scourges will definitely drive them out of the Northern Continent.

Master Ding thought for a while, then sighed again, and said: "I will put them in the firewood room first, and I want to ask why they treated me like this. Let me tell you one by one..."

The guests immediately cheered when they heard it, "Master Ding, you must be aware of the details, and you must not let these two white-eyed wolves go."

Master Ding sighed and nodded with difficulty, as if he had aged several decades for a moment.

Ding Liufeng stepped forward and stroked his shoulder, his face was also a little tired, "Come on, lock the two of them into the woodshed, so as not to embarrass yourself."

Soon, the boys came forward and detained the two of them.

The two glared at Ding Liufeng fiercely, with unyielding and unruly eyes in their eyes.

Ding Liufeng played with his fingertips, and a smile of unknown meaning flickered in his eyes.

The boys are going to imprison the two of them in the firewood room.

At this moment……

Dugu Sheng flicked his sleeves, and ran up to Ding Jingtai and the others, one hand was quietly inserted into Ding Jingtai's clothes, as if he was putting something.

The servants looked at Dugu Sheng with some disdain, and said, "What do you want, my guest?"

Dugu Sheng stood up, brushed his hair and said: "It's nothing, I just dropped something on the ground, I wanted to find it, but unfortunately I couldn't find it anyway."

After saying that, Dugu Sheng scratched his head, pretending to be innocent and harmless.

The servants heard the words, but did not ask: "Guest, do you need our help?"

Dugu Sheng shook his head, and said: "No need, it's not worth anything anyway, if you lose it, just throw it away."

The boys nodded after hearing this, and immediately escorted the two of them towards the woodshed.

Dugu Sheng looked at the back of them leaving, with a deep smile on the corner of his mouth, he flicked his sleeves, and walked slowly towards Baili Qinxue and the others.


(End of this chapter)

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