Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 2177 Being accused of crimes in the world!

Chapter 2177 Being accused of crimes in the world!

Seeing that Ding Chongyang's eyes were full of anger, Ding Liufeng squinted his eyes, and his whole body trembled, "I'll just speak ill of her, what can you do to me, you are just prisoners at the mercy of others."

Hearing this, Ding Chongyang couldn't help clenching his fingers, "Damn it..."

Ding Liufeng frowned slightly, and the smile in his eyes bloomed again, "So what if you are not hateful, anyway, you are no match for us in the end, after a while, we will bring you to the tower of the North Continent, and at that time, all the people will Look at you, see how you were driven out of the North Continent, how you became bereaved dogs."

The two pursed their lips and said nothing.

Ding Liufeng licked the corner of his mouth, and said to himself: "But you don't have to worry, your days of bereavement will not be too long, we will help you out, you just need to go on the road with peace of mind."

Master Ding wants to kill someone?
But that's right, they already knew Master Ding's secret, how could he not take action?
The two raised their eyebrows, their expressions were calm, and they seemed to be fearless, "Master Ding, you wanted to kill people to silence your mouth, but you have done so many wrong things, aren't you afraid of having nightmares at night?"

Master Ding lightly touched the teacup on the table, and said with a smile: "Why should I be afraid? I do things that are beneficial to myself. It is because of those things that I have my status today. Those who were killed by me You should also feel honored, and when you get down below, please thank them for me."

Unrepentant Master Ding...

The two frowned and looked at Master Ding fiercely.

Master Ding wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Ding Liufeng, "Father, stop talking nonsense with them, let's quickly give them dumb medicine."

Seeing that the time was almost up, Master Ding nodded with a smile, "Well, it's time to shut them up..."

The image in the barrier was unreservedly reflected in everyone's eyes, and even the voice of speech could be heard clearly.

Seeing such a dramatic scene, the common people froze in place in shock.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Ding was so benevolent and unparalleled in ordinary times, but he was such a pious guy in private. He framed his own younger brother and even killed his own father for his own self-interest.

Now, in order to stabilize the position of Patriarch, he still wants to kill his brother's two sons, it's fine if he wants to kill them, but he even made the two boys' reputation so bad.

These two boys are so pitiful that they have such a terrible uncle.

Those who went to the Ding family's banquet were also shocked by this scene. If they hadn't heard Master Ding say it himself, they would not believe it at all.

In order to frame the two boys, he actually swallowed the poison himself, what if he swallowed too much and died... This is really ridiculous and terrifying.

After witnessing such a truth, everyone couldn't help but point their fingers.

"Master Ding and I have known each other for several years. I didn't expect him to be such a nasty person. He came to the position of Patriarch in such a bloody way. It's really embarrassing to us people from the Northern Continent."

"Master Ding has done so many bad things, and now he has finally revealed his true colors. I never expected his son to be so cruel. Sure enough, there is a nest of snakes and rats, and there is no good thing."

"I remember that Master Ding's younger brother is very talented and kind. Let me just say, how could such a kind person kill people and seize the throne? I didn't expect that he was framed by Master Ding."

"Master Ding's younger brother used to help our family. I never believed that he would be such a person. Now the truth has finally come to light, and the charges of benefactor have been cleared..."


(End of this chapter)

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