Chapter 2179 Have We Been Discovered?

Hearing Baili Qinxue's words, the common people were in an uproar again.

She was right. If Mr. Ding is so bad and let him stay in the North Continent, it may cause damage to their North Continent. Although Ding Jingtai and the others are from the countryside, they are very talented in picking stones. If the Patriarch of the Ding family If it were them, it should be pretty good.

Moreover, Ding Jingtai and the others looked honest and honest, so they must not be as arrogant as Ding Liufeng. It would probably be cheaper to ask them to help carry stones.

The common people licked the corners of their mouths, wishing to be happy.

Baili Qinxue seemed to know what they were thinking, her eyes flashed, but she didn't say anything.

The common people were still chattering, saying that Baili Qinxue's words were very reasonable, but gradually, when the topic changed, they all began to criticize Luo Ding's father and son again.

"The father and son of the Ding family are really bad. He was not recognized by the previous head of the family. Now, let him be the head of the family for more than 20 years. "

"The father and son of the Ding family are so bad, we must drive them out of the Northern Continent, and let them taste what it's like to be a homeless dog."

"Yes, drive them out of the Northern Continent and elect a new Patriarch..."

The people continued to make noise.

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, becoming more and more satisfied with the scene in front of her.

At this time, a commoner pointed at the barrier in the sky and shouted, "Oh my God, Mr. Ding seems to have discovered something. He just let out a low growl and went straight towards Ding Jingtai and the others."

As soon as this remark came out, the people immediately turned their attention to the barrier.

Baili Qinxue and the others also looked over.

I saw that Master Ding in the barrier walked towards the two of them step by step with his hands behind his back.

There also seemed to be something flickering in the clothes on Ding Jingtai's chest, and there seemed to be a noisy voice coming out of it.

Seeing this, Mr. Ding felt flustered for a moment, always feeling as if something serious had happened. He pointed at Ding Jingtai's chest and said, "What's in the clothes on your chest?"

There was sandalwood burning in the study, and there seemed to be some bad substances mixed in the sandalwood. After smelling it, the two of them felt that their whole bodies were lacking and weak, and they couldn't exert any strength at all.

Ding's father and son may have taken detoxification food, sandalwood did not treat them, they are still alive and kicking.

Ding Jingtai took a breath, and said in a daze: "There is nothing in my clothes, Mr. Ding, you don't need to play any tricks, there is no one else here, only us..."

Master Ding raised his eyebrows and roared angrily, "I don't have time to play tricks with you, what is hiding on your chest?"

After the words fell, Master Ding grabbed Ding Jingtai's collar directly.

Ding Jingtai had no strength in his body, and was soon caught by Mr. Ding. He put his hand into Ding Jingtai's collar, took out a crystal ball from it.

The crystal ball is moist and bright, illuminating the entire study in an instant.

Master Ding looked at the crystal ball in front of him, and his hands trembled, "What is this?"

Ding Liufeng cast his eyes on Master Ding's hand, and after a glance, he couldn't help but froze, "Father, what you hold in your hand is a crystal ball. I saw this kind of thing when I was studying in the academy. Its function is to It can refract all kinds of images, and the images can be seen by everyone.”


When Master Ding heard the words, his eyes widened suddenly, and his face became a little pale, "That is to say, what happened in our study just now has been seen by someone, through this crystal ball?"


(End of this chapter)

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