Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 2185 Hey, did the owner of the house help?

Chapter 2185 Hey, did Patriarch Baili help?
The sneer on the lips of the four thieves looked even more terrifying under the moonlight.

The Ding family's father and son's eyes widened suddenly, and there was a chill all over their bodies, "We won't go to the tower, we won't go to the tower..."

Intuition told them that if they went to the city tower, they would definitely die.

Feng Ren snapped his fingers, and cast a look at Xie Jian and Ghost Sword, "You guys will take these two stupid things to the tower."

Xie Jian nodded, stepped forward and picked up Ding Liufeng, turned around and left.

Seeing that his son was taken away, Master Ding was lying on the ground in a state of embarrassment. He opened his mouth, but no sound came out. The ghost knife strode towards him.

Master Ding raised his eyes and saw Ghost Knife's terrifying and ferocious face all at once. He swallowed his saliva and almost passed out.

Ghost Knife knew that he was disgusted, so he spat and directly picked up Master Ding.

Master Ding struggled, "Put me down, I don't want to go to the tower..."

The ghost knife jumped up, and Master Ding's shout gradually disappeared into the wind.

Lone Wolf and Wind Blade are still standing in the small courtyard of Ding's house.

Ding Jingtai and Ding Chongyang stared blankly at the two of them, Ding Jingtai was the first to react, and said: "Thank you for your help, but I don't know you well, why are you helping us?"

Ding Jingtai paused and said again: "Also, what are you doing with the Ding family and his son on the tower?"

Wind Blade and Lone Wolf looked at each other.

Haha, that stupid cat's disguise is really good, and these two idiots haven't recognized them yet, it's very interesting.

Feng Ren grinned loudly, his tongue was exposed and his smile was a bit pervasive, "Bringing the father and son to the tower is of course to make them accept punishment. Their crimes have been known to the common people, how should we deal with it?" They naturally want to listen to the opinions of the people."

Ding Jingtai and Ding Chongyang paused for a moment, not knowing what to say.

Feng Ren licked his fingertips, and said again: "If it wasn't for us, it would be you who were taken to the tower in the future. Now that the roles have changed, you should be happy, hahahaha."

The two had another meal.

That's a good point, if it wasn't for what happened today, they would have been ruined by the Ding family and his son, and in the end, they would have been assassinated by them, leaving no bones left.

The lone wolf raised his eyebrows, and kicked Feng Ren's ass, "Hey, Feng Ren, don't laugh, the boss is still waiting for us, hurry up and take these two over there, and we will be able to retire."

Feng Ren stopped laughing, he licked the corner of his mouth and said, "By the way, you two are going to the tower too."

The two looked at each other without any opinion.

These people have helped them in this way, so they definitely won't do anything to them, and even if they do, it's just a matter of little fingers. Is it worth spending a lot of time to help them get rid of their charges?

Ding Chongyang blinked and looked at the two of them calmly.

He heard just now that the fierce man called out the wind blade.

Wind Blade?

Four thieves?

Is it related to Patriarch Baili?
Patriarch Baili has stayed in the North Continent and has been secretly helping them?
Ding Chongyang raised the corners of his lips, and there was joy in his eyes, but he didn't say anything, he was just guessing, and the truth would be revealed after a while.

Feng Ren and Lone Wolf picked up the two of them and dodged towards the direction of the tower.

Under the city tower, more and more people gathered.

Above the tower, the evil sword and the ghost knife had already brought the Ding family father and son. When the Ding family saw so many people gathered below the tower, their eyes widened, their faces were pale, and they almost fainted.

"What are you trying to do?" Master Ding growled.


(End of this chapter)

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