Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 2187 Drive us away, who will help you pick stones?

Chapter 2187 Drive us away, who will help you pick stones?
Fengren and Lone Wolf walked to Baili Qinxue, and said, "Boss, we brought the man here."

Baili Qinxue nodded and gave them a satisfied look.

Being praised by the boss, Feng Ren and Lone Wolf were very happy.

When Ding Jingtai and Ding Chongyang came to the tower, they immediately saw the Ding family father and son slumped on the ground. The two father and son were trembling all over, their hair was messy, and they completely lost the nobility and majesty of the past.

The two looked at each other, and there was a sense of joy in their hearts.

The father and son of the Ding family saw the two looking at them condescendingly, and couldn't help bursting out of their chests. When the master bit his lip, he roared angrily: "You two are just poor ghosts from the countryside. Can you recognize your ancestors? Didn't Zong receive my favor, put away your hateful eyes, no matter what we do, we are more noble than you."

The two paused for a moment and didn't speak.

Master Ding thought they were guilty, and his words became more and more exaggerated, "You two poor ghosts from the countryside deserve to stand in front of us, get out of here, son of a bitch!"

Ding Liufeng also gritted his teeth and said, "That's right, get out, I don't want to see you..."

The two narrowed their eyes and quickly looked away.

Baili Qinxue picked out her ears, walked slowly to the Ding family father and son, and said with a sneer, "The superiority of the two of you is really too good, they also have the blood of your Ding family on them, they are the same as you Hey, if you insist on being honorable...Master Ding, if you hadn't framed their father back then, they must be the respectable sons of the Patriarch, they seem to be more noble than you..."

When Master Ding heard this, his face turned pale, "You're talking nonsense, shut up..."

Ding Liufeng also seemed to go crazy, and said: "Shut up, I am the son of the head of the family, I am the most honorable, these two countrymen are not worthy at all."

Baili Qinxue sighed and shook her head, "Your sense of superiority is still too strong..."

Dugu Sheng clasped his hands on Baili Qinxue's shoulders, and said: "Now the common people know about your crimes, and according to your Northern Continent's rules, you may not be able to stay in the Northern Continent any longer..."

Hearing this, the father and son of the Ding family became even more ugly.

No, the Northern Continent is all their property, how could they leave.

Once they leave, they will be poor ghosts, absolutely not...

Master Ding stood up tremblingly, leaned on the city wall, and said: "People, I am the head of the Ding family. I believe you all know what I am. How can you believe these people's one-sided words?"

The people blurted out curses, and some even threw rotten eggs and rotten leaves.

Master Ding was thrown into a daze.

He is the honorable head of the Ding family, how could he be thrown such stinky things...

"How can you throw things around? I am the head of the Ding family with a noble status. How can you treat me like this?" Master Ding yelled at the people below.

The people opened their mouths and scolded him again.

They all saw the video, and also heard Master Ding admit it in person. If they dare to talk about dignity now, they are clearly scum, disgusting scum.

The people continued to throw rotten eggs, and kept shouting, "Ding's father and son have committed a heinous crime, drive them out of the Northern Continent, the Northern Continent does not welcome such people..."

Master Ding was so angry that his face was ashen. These people have been brainwashed by that boss, it's abominable.

Master Ding clenched his fists and roared again, "We are a famous stone-picking family. If we are driven out of the Northern Continent, who will pick stones for you in the future?"


(End of this chapter)

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